Excellence at its best

For all those who are not satisfied with just a routine, the best things might not not be sufficient. The tryst for excellence persists.
When and how these two can meet ? Do we have excellence at its best ? Is it what an endless youthful search is looking for ? excellence

A soothing melody song from Mani, some routine work to worry upon for few hours, packed timings with a class to listen to, still getting few minutes once in a while to take a ‘lecture’, some tough phone calls to concentrate upon, a drilling session of tennis, passion to write a hand written letter and after all these, still getting time read newspaper or books and finally to blog !
A list that looks something like above is what I take as something nearing to excellence getting better. I might not be correct, but I am not wrong either.

For all those who are satisfied with their routine, take some time out of your schedules and see if that really is what you are looking for. If the answer is yes, you are perfectly correct.
If the answer is no or if there is even a 1 % of doubt, you are not satisfied, and hence there are options that you must weight…

I have few options to throw, which might fit in our routines which are lot different, complex and does not allow many things to try or routines which are almost inflexible to tweak.

Apart from stereotyped MBA and GRE stuff, why not look for some social sciences ? For a change, why not look for Masters in Arts !! They are really exciting and experiencing at the same time.
IGNOU offers online courses for BA, MA and other degrees that can full fit in tough routines perfectly. Subjects like Anthropology (Study of Man !), Sociology, Psychology, Public Administration etc.
Even if you are not looking for any degree, and just want to ‘know’ stuff, IGNOU again provides excellent resources.
National Book Trust : http://www.nbtindia.org.in/innerPage.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/index.shtml

eGyanKosh , the full eTextBooks : http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/

Virtual Class Rooms : http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/virtualclass.htm
(Technology at its best , class room through Edusat Satellite ! )

Online courses information : http://onlineadmission.ignou.ac.in/

All at one place : http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/

Since I gave so many links, let me also give one super and extraordinary link for a collection of learning videos : http://www.khanacademy.org/

You will be really astonished seeing the effort !

Hope at least one line or one link of above are useful to at least one !

All the best.
