History Of Hacking

This figure from focus.com completely speaks about history of hacking [ Timeline].  Have a Look at it !!

hacking history

Some Events From Richard Stiennon

January 2003 SQL Slammer takes down the Internet. Luckily it is over a weekend and carriers quickly recover by filtering traffic.

July 2003. MSBlaster

2003 first versions of Cool Web Search and the rise of adware

2004 Shawn Carpenter discovers Chinese hacking attacks against Lockheed Martin, Army Research Labs, World Bank, Nasa, and Sandia. Titan Rain

2003 series of DDoS attacks and extortion against online gambling sites. The rise of criminal DDoS.

April 27 2007 Russia encourages crowd sourced DDoS against Estonia.

August 8, 2008 Russia launches DDoS against Georgia while invading South Ossetia. The first cyber war.

June 2008, Twitter used to spread DDoS instructions against Iranian web sites.

July 4, 2009 DDoS against US Federal web sites and South Korean websites.

August 2009. Russian attacks against a blogger leads to outage of Twitter, LiveJournal and Facebook.