The New Year Clearout – Throw it or Store it?

The New Year Clearout – Throw it or Store it?

The New Year is fast approaching and once again millions of people will be thinking about making resolutions for changes to their lives; whether they want to lose a few pounds, leave a job they hate or finally have that huge clearout of their home and take control of their space once and for all. Of course, all too often these New Year’s resolutions fall even before the first hurdle, but they don’t have to. If you are thinking about having the big New Year clearout, or even just putting some things in self-storage, then here are a couple of things to keep in mind.

Throw it

Making the decision to throw things away can sometimes be difficult but it is worth bearing in mind that doing so will get you that little bit closer to the clean, clutter free home you want. Decluttering all those all things you no longer need, or use can give you plenty of extra space to store those items you intend to keep, or for new items you want to replace them with. There are some items that are much easier to throw out than others, things like old newspapers and magazines, broken or damaged items and old paperwork that you no longer need to keep. You would also be surprised by the number of people that keep huge quantities of empty boxes just in case they need them. Start by throwing all of these items out and you will begin to feel like you have started to achieve something.

The same thing can be said about the contents of your closet, if you have clothes that no longer fit; perhaps you have lost or gained weight, or they are no longer in fashion then grab a box and fill it with items for the local charity shop.

Store it

Of course, some items are too sentimental to throw away but if they are taking up room in your home that you need for your other belongings then it can cause a problem. With smaller items it isn’t too difficult to pack them away carefully and store them away in your loft or even at the top of a wardrobe. However, if the items in question are larger then it isn’t always possible to do this. If you have lots of large items, you would like to keep but not in your home then consider looking for cheap storage locally. This can give you the space you need in your home without getting rid of the items you don’t want to throw away, and the time to decide if you do want to keep them or not.

If you want to see results quickly from your clearout you could also box up some of the things you want to sort out but don’t have time for right now, put them into storage and come back to them later.