Questions in Adobe Tests n Interviews – Part 9


Check out the latest of the questions …


C test:

Q1) linked list using recursion.
Q2) Find if a number is divisible my 3, without using %,/ or *. You can use atoi().
Q3) 2 integers A and B are given, find the no of bits that need to be flipped in A to get B. ( xor a and b and count the number of bits)
Q4) Write a Rotate function for rotating elements in an array, using a reverse function.
Q5) Given 2 sorted arrays A and B with duplicate elements, get C= A -B and does not have duplicates(use a variation of merging 2 arrays and then remove the duplicates.)
Q6) Some routines to swap int pointers.
Q7) Subtraction of 2 base 13 numbers.
Q8) Min and max nodes of a quad tree.
Q9) Prove that in a tree no of internal nodes is one less than leaves.
Q10) A couple of boolean logic proofs
Q11) Code to see if a binary tree is a BST or not.
Q12) Switch case program out put

Engineering test:

Most of it had algorithms( no code)
Q1) Given an array with some repeating numbers. Like 12,6,5,12,6
output: 12,12,6,6,5
12 shud come before 6 since it is earlier in list. So cant use a dictionary.
Q2) Implement a dictionary manually with a lil overhead.
Q3)finding nth element from end in a list
Q4)inserting an element into a sorted linked list.

In the anal part many questions were based on the rule that square root of 25 is +5/-5. Not just 5. Similarly for 1.

Q1) linked list using recursion.

Q2) Find if a number is divisible my 3, without using %,/ or *. You can use atoi().
Q3) 2 integers A and B are given, find the no of bits that need to be flipped in A to get B. ( xor a and b and count the number of bits)
Q4) Write a Rotate function for rotating elements in an array, using a reverse function.
Q5) Given 2 sorted arrays A and B with duplicate elements, get C= A -B and does not have duplicates(use a variation of merging 2 arrays and then remove the duplicates.)
Q6) Some routines to swap int pointers.
Q7) Subtraction of 2 base 13 numbers.
Q8) Min and max nodes of a quad tree.
Q9) Prove that in a tree no of internal nodes is one less than leaves.
Q10) A couple of boolean logic proofs
Q11) Code to see if a binary tree is a BST or not.

Q12) Switch case program out put

The engineering paper was totally based on the Data Structure, simple assembly programs implementation and some simple algorithms related to data structures.

So read Arrays, Linked list, postfix prefixes inorder post order etc.



Most of the problems in adobe are solved here, though it is not mentioned that they are from Adobe, so this means he has to go through them as many as possible
The C/Java/quant are from
The questions are mostly (99%) theoretical, or algo type
If he is fresher then there will aloso be an apti n quant paper. Otherwiser only two papers
Enginerring – based on college courses
C/Java – whatever opt for – this too is theoretical
Questions like
what is transient variable
what is finally
what is the significance of package
wree asked.

A few of the question that were asked to me are

A BST was given, find the fourth largest node
Evalutae the psotfix expression
Evalutae (-5) in 2’s complement
An expression was given , we had to make the expression tree for that
and the postfix expression for that. It was something like
a* ((b+c/d) *d) +e

You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are interconnected and talk two each other

Soln : – Breadth First Search(I guess)

Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?

Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z

Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in assembly

Commands were like

Add- Adds top 2 elemnrts from stack and pushes the result back in to it


and others

The code is


For (i=0 ; i<=10 ; i++)


Algorithm to draw a line in a 2-D axes.
Given P1(x1,y1), P2(x2,y2) where x1>x2.

My Soln: find the slope m and intercept c, using standard formulae
Increment x2 by 1(this was given) and calculate y2′
and join the dots
Easy though

write an algorithm, to find if two binary trees are same



write an O(log2(N)) algorithm to find X^N



  1. find the nth node from end in a linked list in single parse
    2. wap to check if the tree is BST
    3. prove A+BC =(A+B)(A+C)
    4. (A023AC5B)-(129B5321) to the base 13
    5. prove that no of leaf nodes in any binaryy tree is one more than the no of nodes with degree 2
    6. write a prog in assembly lang 2 calculate sum of first n natural nos
    7. print values in an array with recurring didits
    eg a[10]={3,2,5,4,3,4,6,12,4,12,6}
    the prog shud print {3,3,5,4,4,6,6,12,12}
    chk the sequence
    8. write prefix and postfix notation
    9. insert a node in a sorted linked list.
    10. draw dfa for b* + b*a(ba)*
    11. simplify a boolean expression
    ~a(a+b) -(b+a)(a+~b)



how will you find the number of leaf nodes in a tree

rotate an array using reverse fn….