Reasons behind Egypt protests

Why are Egyptians protesting? Who is behind the protests? Will Egypt be the next Tunisia?

Egypt protest site
Egypt is the No. 1 user of Facebook in the Arab world, and many Egyptian have been using it to co-ordinate protests against the government .

Why are Egyptians protesting?

Mainly for financial reasons. Many Egyptians complain of poor living conditions, economic stagnation and widespread unemployment. But there is also anger at political repression, suspected rigging in recent elections and at possible plans by Hosni Mubarak to have his son Gamal succeed him later this year.


Who is behind the protests?

They are being driven by the April 6 Youth Movement, a group on Facebook that has attracted mainly young and education members opposed to Mr Mubarak. But the protests have attracted a cross-section of society, one of the reasons the regime is so nervous.

Will Egypt be the next Tunisia?

Quite possibly. There is a sense that the protests are gaining momentum, not least because the security forces failed to crush them at the outset. This has emboldened many Egyptians, traditionally passive, to take to the streets. A growing number of analysts think it will be touch for Mubarak to survive.

So is his fall inevitable then?

Not necessarily. Egypt’s national security apparatus is stronger, more disciplined and more loyal to its political masters than Tunisia’s. Some also say the protests are doomed because they lack a genuine political leader – but then neither did Tunisia’s Jasmine Revolt.

Will the army stick with Mubarak?

For the moment, yes. But that could change if troops are brought out onto the streets and ordered to fire on protesters. The army wants to be popular and if generals sense discontent in the ranks, they may tell Mubarak to go.

Will Mohamed ElBaradei emerge as Egypt’s next president?

He would dearly love to but it is far from clear that he has the support of the protesters. Many see him as an outsider who has lived abroad too long and regard his declaration to join the protests as an act of opportunism.

Are other Arab regimes in danger?

Yes. Many Arab states have plenty in common: ageing dictators who have ruled for decades and economic hardship. Since Tunisia, there have been copycat demonstrations in Yemen, Jordan and Algeria. Arab leaders are very worried.
