Science and Technology

INSAT started in 1983 with the joint venture of the department of space, Doordarshan, All India Radio, Indian Metereological Department and the Department of Telecom

Human Genome project – 1990 – presence of 20-25 K genes in human chromosome. Chromosome 1 is the biggest. Contains 8% of genetic code with 3141 genes.

Pre consumption and pre natal diagnostic techniques prohibition of sex selection act – 1994

HOBIT – it is the dwarf form of Homo erectus discovered in Flores island of Indonesia

Chikunguniya – Aedis aegyptia is the name of the mostquito

Diclofenae – it is an anti inflammatory dfrug used to treat cattle in india it is banned since of the ill effects on the vultures feeding on the caracus of the cattle.

Birth rate of Japan – reduced to record low of 1.2 babies per woman. 2005 and in india its 3.5 babies per woman,

NSSO on the disabled placed the nation average of the disabled at 105 out of 100000 . kerala topped the list.

Rhinderpest – A Fatal virus disease that hits domestic cattle. India is declared free from Rhinderpest.

Gardasil – it is a first vaccine to prevent cervical cancer and own FDA approval.

HARRIET – 178 year old tortoise which helped Charles Darwin in giving his theory of evolution

Yuva –youth Unit for victrion aids – joint sponsored by naco, and Union ministry of youth affairs and sports

First Stem cell bank of the country – Chennai
Central drugs research institute – lucknow
HLL released 2 vaccines – Hivac – B and Tyfex for typhoid

According to WHO, one in 20 members effected by hepatitis b in india
Report on MMR – 407 per 100000 in 1997 and 301 per 100000 in 2003
2/3 of maternal deaths occurred in empowered action group states(Uttaranchal,UP,MP,chattisgarh,bihar,Jharkhand,Orissa and assam)
IMR – 80/10000 in 1991 and 58/1000 in 2003

DICOCCOM – it’s a wheat variety produced by ICAR which is suitable for diabetic patients

NANDROLONE – steroid with naturally occus in the human body in very small quantities. It is a single structure to test steron when used in high quantities increases the muscle mass of the athletes
The limit prescribed by IOC is 2 nanograms per milliliter

COPYCAT – the first cloned cat born in 2001

Micro raptor – gui – it is the ancestor of modern birds 125 million years ago it was a dinosaur
It later became the archeoptreys

GLLEVECK – it is an anti cancer drug of Novartis

Donye – pole – temple – Along – NE – temple is known for introducing environmental friendly rice cultivation

AIDS vax – the aid vaccine produced by ICMR
Brazil, Thailand, Uganda –free AIDS treatment

What are scramjets ?A: supersonic combustion ram jet ….the combustor being a supersonic one to give a very high efficiency… and ramjets are nothing but jets at supersonic speeds

What is Truth Serum test?A: Some process of narco – analytical test used for investigations

What is brain mapping?A: Neuroscience technique of mapping the brain into neuromappings

What is bio dynamic farming?A:Biodynamics is a method of agriculture which seeks to actively work with the health-giving forces of nature. It is the oldest non-chemical agricultural movement in the world

What are the different types of diabetes?A: Insulin – Dependent Diabetes Mallitus, Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetis Mallitus and Gestational Diabetis