A trip to Moon from Google Earth

Today on the occasion of 40th anniversary of Apollo, Google added new feature to Google earth which makes you to digg Moon and can do a virtual trip to moon. gmoon

The new Google Earth feature chronicles each of the Apollo landing missions through pictures and stories as well as video footage from Spacecraft films and surface panoramas of photos taken by the Apollo 11 mission crew themselves 40 years ago.

There is also the Human Artifacts layer which contains locations and trivia on all spacecrafts that landed or crashed into the moon.

Moon in Earth also features Historical Maps layer of maps used by NASA during the Apollo missions.

For this, you require installation of Google Earth 5.0. If you are already having google earth installed, then you can click on the planet button on the top of the toolbar of Google Earth, choose Moon and then let Google fly you to the moon.

Happy Journey to MOON !!