5 Cleaning Mistakes All First-Time Homeowners Make

5 Cleaning Mistakes All First-Time Homeowners Make

Finally, you are a homeowner! The world feels like it is your oyster (and in a lot of ways it apparently is!) This is an incredible time in your life and a sign that you are on your way to “making it.”

That being said, there are still some areas where you may not be entirely up-to-speed. This can include your home cleaning skills.

To always have a spotless home, take note of the usual cleaning mistakes that all first-time homeowners make and which you should avoid.

1. Deciding to clean the windows when it is sunny.

As a new homeowner, you will want all your house fixtures sparkling clean and attractive. These include your windows.

But a little mistake that all people make when they first get a new home is cleaning the windows when the sun is out. After all, it is easy to notice how dirty they are whenever it is bright outside.

However, it is a mistake to clean windows on a sunny day. Take it from seasoned professional cleaners – you should wait until it is a cloudy day. Why? Well, the heat from the sun dries the cleaning fluid more quickly meaning you will leave smears. And that is even more frustrating!

2. Dusting, in general.

Many first-time homeowners may believe that dusting is one of the most basic parts of house cleaning. As such, it should be one of the simplest cleaning chores. They couldn’t be more wrong! While the movement itself is a simple one, far too many people still make the same common mistakes when dusting.

For example, they only dust what is within reach instead of taking a little extra time to work on the harder-to-reach areas (such as the ceiling corners, molding, tops of bookshelves, electric fans, cooling and heating systems, etc.). By not dusting these areas, you are allowing dust to remain in your home. Eventually, it will cover the areas of your home that you have cleaned.

For better results, always add a small amount of water to your cleaning cloth to ensure you trap more dust than if you were just to use a dry cloth. But, for best results, you can always get help from providers of dust cleaning services.

3. Presuming you know how to clean up carpet spills

Millions of homeowners each year make carpet stains even worse because of how they handle spills. Don’t be like them! But as a new homeowner, you can learn how to do DIY carpet cleaning properly.


When something is spilled on the carpet, clean it up immediately. The longer you wait to remove a stain, the more challenging it will be to eliminate. However, don’t vigorously scrub the carpet as this will damage the carpet fibers.

Another thing that will destroy the carpet is using the incorrect cleaning solution. If you opt to use a new cleaning solution, make sure to test it first on a small area to see how the material will react to it.

4. Thinking bleach will solve every issue.

Bleach is a highly hazardous chemical. Unfortunately, it is found in a variety of cleaning supplies, including stain removers, toilet cleaners and tile residue removers. Bleach can hurt your pets, your children, the environment and your health.

Bleach has also been known to cause property damage:

  • Fade laminate and stained grout, enamel and acrylic tubs
  • Erode the sealant on stone surfaces (such as granite)
  • Decay the seals within your disposal
  • Disintegrate vinyl and linseed-based flooring (such as linoleum)

You don’t want to harm your new home (or the people who live in it) with bleach! Luckily, water and vinegar will work perfectly for most cleaning jobs. Or, if you think you need something stronger, many alternative cleaning products are free of bleach.

  • For household surfaces, use hydrogen peroxide (safe to use around food unlike bleach).
  • For eliminating grease and cleaning glass, use baking soda and white vinegar.
  • For mold issues, use a commercial anti-fungal product.

5. The one mistake you definitely should not make

Don’t think you can do it alone! As a new homeowner, you may be surprised by how frequently you have to clean. But the task will only get more overwhelming if you keep procrastinating. If you don’t clean on a regular basis, the dirt is probably going to be so grave when you ultimately decide it is the “perfect time” to tackle the mess and dust. In the end, your cleaning chores will take much longer than necessary.

Don’t let cleaning more difficult than it has to be. Delegate! Keep in mind that the key to having a clean home and a happy life is to do cleaning chores in small batches, often – and with expert help. Make no mistake about it: hiring residential cleaning services is the most practical way to achieve the deeper, more efficient and longer-lasting clean your home need.