How to Choose the Best Mattresses for Chronic Back Pain

How to Choose the Best Mattresses for Chronic Back Pain

Many of us are aware of the dreadful back pain, which is caused by sleeping on the wrong mattresses. Moreover, an uncomfortable mattress deprives us of an approximate eight hours of sleep every night. In case we have a chronic illness, we may need to sleep more than the average requirement.

Sleeping may help our body to repair itself, enabling us to create muscle tissue and hormones that are needed by our body.

Whatever the intensity of pain is, changing sides all night can keep you wide awake, frustrated, and even uncomfortable, leading to worse pain the next morning. Many studies have suggested that a medium-firm mattress may be the best option for most individuals dealing with back pain. However, when selecting a mattress for back and hip pain, individual factors such as sleeping position, body weight, and individual preferences can affect which mattress is best suited for you.

However, the best way to tackle this problem is by choosing the best mattress specifically formulated for chronic back pain.

Personal Preference

 There are several different types of mattresses for chronic back pain, no single style works for everyone. Either way, the best mattress for each individual is the one which helps them in sleeping comfortably without any stiffness and pain. All those who have lower back pain issues should choose a mattress that meets their standards when it comes to comfort and support, enabling them to get a good sleep at night.

Physical Components

The inner springs and coils of a mattress provide the support. However, every mattress has a different arrangement and numbering of coils. The mattress padding present on top comes in various thickness and depths, typically ranging from seven to eighteen inches. These qualities of a mattress should be taken into consideration and chosen according to every individual’s personal preference.


 A mattress that provides support to the curves and alignments of the spine is a good mattress. In order to prevent muscle soreness, the right amount of back support is required. In case that is not the case, you will be waking up with back soreness every morning. Although there is no proven research, it is said that a mattress which has a medium firmness provides a better relief compared to the firmer mattresses.



Although it is important to get a mattress that provides sufficient support to the back, overall comfort while sleeping is also necessary. If you sleep on a stiff mattress, you will suffer from ache in the pressure points. Hence a mattress with medium firmness is better compared to stiffer ones, because it enables the shoulders and hips to sink in a little. In case you are looking for a mattress that is firm, get one which has a thicker padding to get greater comfort.

Mattresses Need to be Replaced

If you have been using a mattress for a very long time, you will notice that the mattress is sagging from different parts and is no longer comfortable. Even if it is not very old, it can deteriorate with time, which is a sign that it is time to invest in a new one. Short term fixes such as putting boards under the mattress are bad for the longer run, because you will eventually need to buy a new one. So why not buy it right away?