Top 10 Must-Have Essentials for a Baby Nursery

Top 10 Must-Have Essentials for a Baby Nursery

Are you planning to set up a nursery? It must be an overwhelming task. You might get confused about what to buy because there are so many baby items available in the market. The baby essentials you are going to buy might be of your personal preference, but few nursery decor items can attract new parents, though this kind of baby essentials list can make your parenting style easier.

We are excited to share a full guide to everything you are required to set up a nursery.


We can’t deny the fact that the baby’s bedding is of utmost importance if you are conscious of the baby’s comfort. There is a wide range of baby wedding you can choose from like, crib sheets, swaddles, pillows, cozy blankets, and baby mattresses. Finding a crib mattress can be challenging; you must be careful to choose the right mattress as you can’t, but soft stuff.          

Baby Crib

A baby has its sleeping positions and shifts on different sides of the bed. It doesn’t matter what you decided to buy a baby crib or bassinet. You must know the baby’s sleeping spot must be the focal point of the nursery. There are many styles in cribs and bassinets and available at different prices. Just make one thing sure it is made of quality material. Don’t go for drop-side cribs; they are even banned by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Open Baskets

Due to tiredness and hectic routine new mommies can’t arrange the room correctly, and they try to hide clutter in close boxes and drawers. But they forget being a new mom; they require easy access, especially when you are holding up your baby in your arms and have only one hand free. Therefore we recommend open baskets to pick up things quickly. You can keep open baskets as much you need. You can keep toys in one and blankets in others so you can grab them easily.

Rocking chair

It’s a must-have for parent’s comfort. They can even sit on it to make baby sleep and for feeding him. Many rocking chairs offer a comfortable spot for feeding the baby, just like the versatile baby high chairs.

Baby monitor

Parents need some time in another room without a baby to take some rest. Baby monitors help parents to be in constant contact with their little ones. That’s why baby monitors are the top essential of many parents.

A journal

New parents can get tired due to this hectic routine, and they can’t remember things with sleep-deprived minds. There are many vital things parents can’t ignore in the starting months. For example, how many milk bottles your baby had or how many times he pooped and so on. In those days you must keep a journal and pencil with you to mark and things. Note down when your baby napped, pooped, and ate.


You can get up many a time at night for breastfeeding or changing diapers. Dim night lights can help you to do it without disturbing your babies with turning on night lights. So it’s another must-have for baby nursery.