Are Baby wipes safe or toxic to use

Are Baby wipes safe or toxic to use

Most times Babies mess themselves in different ways, it could be when feeding, peeing or even touching dirty items that are around them.

Baby wipes are convenient, and they clean up the baby as a short-term resolution whether at home or away traveling. They are hygienic and packed neatly to avoid any contamination by the bacteria.

The modern-day parents use the wipes to clean the whole body and therefore it is crucial to know how toxic or non-toxic such wipes are before using them. They are meant to offer comfort and as such one should be extra careful when purchasing baby wipes.

On the other hand, doctors have apparently come out discouraging the use of the wipes because of the side effects that they may cause. The doctors have surfaced the argument of unsafe use of the baby wipes due to chemicals like methylisothiazolinone which causes red rashes in babies that is very itchy. Methylisothiazolinone is one of the ingredients used in processing most of the baby wipes like the Johnson and Johnson, Huggies, Cottonelle among others.

The ingredient that is used as a preservative inhibits reproduction of harmful bacteria which can have adverse effects on the future of the baby.

It does not mean that parents should stop using baby wipes on their babies, but it is a precautionary measure to ensure that in case a baby is allergic to them, then there should be a solution on how to handle the situation.

The producers are however working hard to see to it that there are other better ingredients to use when making the wipes to reduce the effects of the chemical which could eventually be made from the natural products.

The best baby wipes are the organic ones that are made from natural ingredients.  Most of these products can be DIY at home without any preservatives hence they may be adapted for immediate use. These do not cause any reactions to the baby, and the skin will remain smooth. It’s therefore upon the mother to know the type of the baby wipes to use.

The ingredients for DIY at home are as follows

  1. A roll of toilet paper.
  2. Old container for wipes to be used for storage for the ones prepared.
  3. Boiled water- should be 750ml.
  4. Almond Oil.
  5. An extract of Witch Hazel-1 tablespoonful
  6. Liquid Castile soap-1 tablespoonful
  7. Pure Alore Vella-1 tablespoonful
  8. Essential oils which can be optional while preparing.

With these ingredients, one is sure of making homemade wipes which are free from any toxic substances, and the baby will not have any discomfort due to rashes and any other side effects.

There are Pros and Cons of using Baby wipes that means they can either be Safe or toxic.

The Pros

1.They are best used for travelling where one gets into contact with the public and its only safe to use the wipes on the baby.

  1. They offer convenience not just when the baby messes but even in stick hands,

The Cons

  1. Continuous use can irritate the baby in the sensitive parts.
  2. Some contain chemicals that are not healthy for the baby for instance.


Always ensure that you buy wipes from reputable companies and if not sure, consult from pediatrics, or even older mothers who may have a better experience from their usage.

In case the Baby responds well when wiped, consider abandoning the use of baby wipes and do it yourself at home for the sake of your baby’s safety.

In finality, baby wipes are safe to use, but one should always maintain the brand that fits the baby from the word go.

Read more information from healthy baby blog