Why running is a guarantee of your healthy lifestyle

Why running is a guarantee of your healthy lifestyle

Modern society tends to work more, move less, and lead a sedentary lifestyle shifting from the couch to the car, from the car to the office chair. All this is not the best way to affect our healthy living.

Main problems:

  • Accumulated excess weight
  • Shortness of breath
  • High blood cholesterol level
  • Blood stagnation in the lower part of the trunk
  • Depression

Our health and lifestyle are interrelated with each other. Despite these concepts stand for different things, they cannot exist separately and influence each other. Unhealthy diets, alcohol consuming, smoking, drug abuse, constant stress situations are the examples of an unhealthy lifestyle that usually have dramatic consequences. In contrary, going in for sport, namely running is an excellent medicine for many diseases. There are some healthy life tips below that will help you improve your health significantly.

Sprinting is the most affordable kind of sports. Any person at any age and in any physical form can run. You just need to choose the right training scheme or even better start with a personal trainer. It is very fashionable, as evidenced by the rapidly growing number of running marathons throughout the world. Jogging in the fresh air saturates our lungs with oxygen, the blood circulates better, the body produces adrenaline, and at the end of the training, you feel happy and full of energy.

Before you start training, it is necessary to get to know more about the technique of running, reasonable dosage of physical loads, suitable time and place for jogging, methods of pre-training. Otherwise, instead of the intended benefit, a person can harm his/her health.

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How to start running for a healthy lifestyle:

  1. The beginners should start with quiet strolls. These walks should not be long and take much time – a quarter of an hour will be enough to raise the tone of the muscles and the cardiovascular system. You can start running only after several such exercises, not forgetting about the need to alternate it with dynamic walking.
  2. The duration and intensity of the healthy exercises can be increased only a couple of months after the beginning of training. This should be done gradually: starting from 15 minutes, you can increase the duration to 45-50 minutes. Simultaneously with the duration, you should expand the length of the distance, as well as the pace of training. The most optimal frequency of exercising is at least three times a week.
  3. The terrain is very important too. The beginners should be aware that the runner’s route must include both ups and downs and even areas so that the load on all muscle groups is uniform. The descents make the muscles and ligaments in the knees and shin strain, while the hills require an intensive work of the muscles of the ankles and feet.
  4. When running on the asphalt surface, you can harm footsteps or spine. It is more useful to run along the paths. The forest park area is the best place for jogging.
  5. It is recommended to wear high-quality sports shoes with enhanced depreciation characteristics.
  6. It does not matter what time and where to run – whether you have an appointment with your doctor, or you need to pick up your children from the kindergarten, or you are required to navigate here – you can get advantages of running at any time of the day if it does not cause inconvenience and brings pleasure.

Benefits of running:

  • Running is excellent training for our muscles.
  • During jogging, the human body gets rid of the harmful substances removed together with sweat.
  • It perfectly trains the cardiovascular system that leads to an improvement in blood circulation and blood supply to internal organs.
  • Running is an excellent antidepressant, which contributes to the production of endorphins (the “hormone of happiness”).
  • Regular sprinting increases our body resistance to various catarrhal diseases and simultaneously trains the immune system.
  • Everyday sport contributes to the formation of the valuable personal qualities, including willpower and discipline.

In conclusion, the most significant exercise facts are:

  • Going in for sports prevents you from all diseases.
  • Exercises make you feel joyful and lively.
  • Training enables you to relieve stress.
  • Exercising help you be strong.
  • Regular sport ensures losing a weight.
  • Doing exercises motivates you to be disciplined.

Now you are aware of how to live a healthy life. Always add physical activities to your everyday routine. With them, your daily tasks will be done easier and quicker.