10 Things You Must Have When You Are Travelling

10 Things You Must Have When You Are Travelling

Whether it is a work trip or just a weekend getaway with your friends, nothing beats good travel plans. Regardless of your destination, traveling should be comfortable and convenient. Forgetting essential items is the last thing you would want to experience. Below is a list of ten things that we consider crucial.

1.  A Power Strip

It might seem unnecessary. However, there could be a possibility of you finding just a single power outlet in your hotel room. You probably own several electronic gadgets such as phones, laptops, or even an alarm clock.

With only one power outlet, it would be tough to decide which of your devices to prioritize. A power strip can save you the trouble. It gives you multiple outlets, allowing you to charge all your devices simultaneously. On that note, counter check that you have packed the chargers that you require as well as an adapter.

2.  Plastic Bags

You are probably wondering why you need to carry trash bags. You might be quick to think that hotel management is supposed to take care of the trash, and it is technically their responsibility to keep your room spotlessly clean.

However, during your stay, you need to separate your dirty clothes from the clean ones. In case the hotel room does not have disposable laundry baskets, your plastic bags will come in handy. If plastic bags don’t impress you, there would be no harm in substituting them with a mesh laundry bag.

3.  Ear Plugs

Sometimes while on a trip, all you want is to enjoy the scenery without distraction. For instance, at the beach or while camping, you might need to block noise and relax. Getting rid of the sound can prove impossible, but preventing it is possible. You need a pair of earplugs. Wearing earplugs while traveling is also highly recommended.

Besides preventing noise from your neighbors, they also regulate pressure on your eardrums. This goes a long way in preventing pain in the ears while flying.

4.  Money

Traveling without money can limit your fun. Ensure that you pack at least two cards. You don’t want to miss some fun because you overlooked the importance of carrying money. For convenience, ensure you carry globally accepted cards such as Visa and MasterCard. This way, you can buy anything anywhere.

Having a reasonable amount of cash on you is also a good idea. You never know when the money machine in town will break down. Avoid such inconveniences by having enough cash.

For maximum safety, place the cards separately. In case one gets lost, you can still use the other one.

5.  First Aid Kit

Accidents happen. They can occur anywhere, including while traveling. Sometimes, it is a minor cut or burn, so you don’t need the services of a doctor. To take care of such incidences, it is best to be equipped with a first aid kit.

Your kit does not require sophisticated equipment. Rather, all it needs is just a pair of scissors, some antiseptic, and other materials you may find necessary for the kit. You can also add any prescribed medicine or tablets for specific allergies that you might be suffering from.

6.  An Emergency Snack

If you are a frequent traveler, you probably understand the ups and downs. If you are not, then beware of all sorts of inconveniences, including that of being stuck without food. Sometimes, you get to your hotel room so late that you find no room service. Sometimes, you cannot access essential deliveries or the train gets delayed.

We all acknowledge that an empty stomach is not comfortable at all. With a snack packed, nothing can come between you and your appetite. You can take it out anywhere freely.

7.  An Empty Water Bottle

The airport security guards won’t let you carry some water from home. However, you don’t have to get stuck with expensive bottled water since nobody prohibits you from refilling the water bottle past the security check.

Having your water means you can hydrate anytime without necessarily depending on the air hostess.  Even if you don’t locate a tap nearby, you can buy one big bottle of water and empty the contents into your reusable bottle.

8.  Copies of Your Travel Document

It would be devastating if you lost your travel documents and had nothing to verify your identity. You can lose your visa or passport either by theft or misplacement. Though not very likely, it is possible.

Better safe than sorry. Produce copies of your documents and store them separately from the original. Alternatively, being in the digital era, you can scan them and email yourself. Remember to email yourself essential numbers such as your passport number.

9.  Stain Remover

How do you deal with that coffee stain during your work trip? Sometimes you might not be in a position to rush back to the hotel room and change into a new shirt. Or you might not even have a change of clothes back in the hotel room whatsoever. A stain should not derail your plans.

It’s embarrassing walking around with a stain, but you can fix that. Next time you are traveling, remember to add a bottle of stain remover on your packing list.

10.  Lip Balm

Don’t be quick to rule it out simply because you don’t use it on other days. Chances are, the dry air in the plane will chap your lips. You might also get an opportunity to taste some salty food or bask out in the sun for long. There is no escaping dehydration.

Licking your lips every now and then is not a kind gesture. Therefore, having some lip balm will allow you to have fun without worrying about cracked lips.

Packing might sound easy. However, this step highly determines how your trip will turn out. Forgetting essential things might ruin your mood the entire time. To prevent such incidents, preparing a packing list is the surest way of carrying everything you need. Tick against the item once you pack it, and once everything has been checked off, you are set to go on a worry-free trip!