12 Benefits of Memory Foam Pillows for 21st Century Kids

12 Benefits of Memory Foam Pillows for 21st Century Kids

Are you a tired parent of a 21st-century kid looking for ways to help your child sleep better? Does your child also sit with their backs curled grotesquely over their electronic devices? Are you concerned about the safety of your little ones developing spine?

While we can’t stop your child from wanting to use their iPads, we can assist with posture, childrens memory foam pillows can help give their little spines a break from the constant tension by providing support to their necks, shoulders, and upper back.

Let us take you through why you might want to consider investing in a memory foam pillow for your little one.

The Importance of A Good Pillow – and Why Memory Foam is Great

Did you know that, on average, a person spends around 25 years of their life in bed? Did you also know that lack of proper support for your neck can exacerbate neck, shoulder, and back pain later in life?

Children spend much time resting during their crucial developmental phases. Therefore, making their sleep as comfortable as possible makes them more energetic and productive.

Yes, productive. Proper deep sleep is crucial at every stage of life but especially for the healthy development of children.

Pillows play a huge role in providing comfort during sleep, supporting the sleeping person’s neck, and keeping their spines aligned. And one’s sleeping position, weight, the width of their shoulders, among other things, all affect what one will need.

We don’t tend to think about pillows until our late twenties when neck and back pains become an evident issue but having the right pillow as a child may help to delay or prevent those pains.

Memory Foam for Kids

And one thing that we often don’t consider about children these days is that because they spend so much time bent over a tablet, or sitting in front of a screen, or sitting doing their homework – their spines are under a lot more tension than those of the previous generations.

AND since kids are resilient and energetic, and most bedding is designed for the amount of space rather than the size of its owner, children’s needs are often overlooked during the design process.

But that’s what makes memory foam as popular as it is! Memory foam is as close to a one-size-fits-all because it, quite literally, does just that! It reacts to heat and pressure from your body molding to you! (or, in this case, your child!)

Whether your little one is a side-sleeper, has larger or smaller shoulders, the memory foam adapts to your child.

What that does is one, ensure your child has a more restful sleep and; two, give their strained backs a while to recover.

Now, let’s look at what exactly memory foam is.

What is Memory Foam

What is Memory Foam?

Memory Foam is another name for viscoelastic foam, the most basic of which is made from a polymer called polyurethane. It was originally developed by NASA for the safety of their astronauts during launch and was so successful that the formula was made public.

The formula varies depending on the manufacturer, and this difference affects the quality and function of the foam.

There are three main types, traditional, latex, and gel. Traditional is denser, latex bounces back to its original shape faster, and gel is good for heat regulation.

We know what you’re thinking. Is viscoelastic and polyurethane something you want near your child? But don’t let words like polymer or formula scare you! Memory foam manufacturing is regulated by a governing body called CertiPUR-US that ensures that the memory foam sold in the US is safe for us and the environment!

Now that you have a basic understanding of memory foam let’s look at other ways it can benefit your child.

Benefits of Memory Foam Pillows for Kids:

Memory Foam Pillows for Kids

There are twelve main benefits of investing in memory foam for kids.

  1. Support: The best thing about memory foam is that viscoelastic reacts to body heat and pressure to mold to the shape of whoever is using it. This gives ideal support. Memory foam pillows also have the option of contoured pillows that are even better for side sleepers.
  2. Relieve Pressure Points: since memory foam provides good support, it helps to distribute weight more evenly and thus keeps pressure off of pressure points.
  1. Align the neck and spine: this is especially good for children that sit at desks all day.
  1. Relaxation: Since your child is properly supported, it allows their muscles to relax fully.
  1. Hypoallergenic: since there are no feathers or spaces to collect dust in the memory foam, that automatically makes it hypoallergenic.
  1. Different shapes available: this is useful because you can get contoured pillows for children that sleep on their sides, and the variety will make it easier to account for the child’s shoulder span.
  1. Reduces snoring: by lifting the head and clearing the airways, memory foam allows for easier sleep.
  1. Temperature regulation: advances in memory foam technology have led to the development of naturally temperature-regulating pillows. If your kids get extra hot, this is especially useful because the temperature regulation will keep them cooler longer and therefore sleep better.
  1. Easy to maintain: viscoelastic naturally returns to its original shape, thus eliminating the need to fluff the pillow every morning.
  1. Suitable for all sleeping positions: since memory foam molds to you, it also molds to your sleeping position, back, side, or stomach. However, side sleepers may want to consider contoured pillows.
  1. Reduces Sleep Apnea: contoured memory foam pillows, or memory foam pillows made specifically for sleep apnea, keep the head in the proper position to keep the airways open and reduce sleep apnea.
  1. Durable: memory foam lasts a long time, up to three years, in its original shape.

The Takeaway

Children ages three and above need a good night’s rest to develop properly. With the way that 21st-century kids spend more of their time hunched over things instead of running around, their backs are under constant stress.

That’s why parents should genuinely consider investing in memory foam pillows for their kids! After all, there’s a reason that memory foam is as much of a sensation as it is.