2 Major Ways In Which We Harm The Environment And What To Do About Them

2 Major Ways In Which We Harm The Environment And What To Do About Them

Mother Nature has been doing its part by taking care of us, it is only fair that we at least try and repay the favor. Simple acts we do every day can have a huge impact on the environment and there are many with the mindset that individually they cannot make a difference. However, the very same people don’t realize there are billions with the same mindset as them. Hence it is important that the individual change you bring to the environment is a positive one.

While we aren’t asking you to radically shift the way you live your life, we are asking you to rethink the habits you’ve cultivated and how they affect the environment. Here are 8 simple ways we can make a difference for the better.

1: Plastic Is Your Worst Enemy

Single-use plastic bags are so inherently common that we bet you even have some in your bins right now. Food wrapped in plastic is offered almost everywhere and so are drinks with plastic straws. While plastic can be potentially reused, it is simply not enough to counter the waste it produces. Instead, it’s better to consider recycling plastic as a last resort and warm up to the idea of alternatives.

Plastic not only causes harm to the environment but is also lethal for us too. It takes ages to decompose and while it is in the environment, it releases toxic pollutants that diminish the environment around it. Plastic is also currently threatening marine life as we speak and is ingested by many of the fish we eat hence the damage we do to the environment comes back to us. Not enough people know about the contamination plastic brings to us.


Source: Pinterest

To reduce the use of plastic we simply have to invest in alternate and cleaner methods. Whenever we want to go shopping it would be preferable to bring our own cloth bag for supplies and products instead of using the plastic one provided. Food and drinks covered in plastic should be avoided and are only single-use items, if possible, cooking your own meals would be better than plastic containers containing take-out.

Water bottles are one of the most thrown items in the trash, it is much more preferable to use a reusable water bottle to help the planet and save on costs too. The option to buy in bulk is also available for items such as shampoo bottles, yogurt, lotions, etc, and should be considered since we often end up buying the same products again increasing the use of plastic. Shampoo and lotion bottles that can be reused are a superior alternative such as the ones offered by cosmetic glass bottle suppliers Roetell. There are many ways the use of plastic can be stopped; we just have to be willing to invest in them.

2: Deforestation

Forests, while a source of raw materials for us, are home to many insects and wildlife. The trees act as habitats for some of the residents and also help stabilize the environment by releasing oxygen, filtering water, and reducing toxins. However, despite all these benefits we still cut them down in pursuit of raw materials such as timber or clear land to build on. The drawbacks of deforestation are far too deadly than the benefits.

Not only does the wildlife lose their habitat but the trees acting as climate regulators are also destroyed. This means variations in the climate further threaten the wildlife. Carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere previously absorbed by the trees is roaming freely and adding to the climate change around the world. Areas without trees no longer have a water distribution system leading to soil erosion.


Source: Pinterest

Now that you know about how catastrophic deforestation is, we need to educate ourselves on what we should do about it. The easiest thing we can do is to plant more trees around us. Simply planting more trees wherever we can is a lifelong good deed that we will have rewarded ourselves with. Many beauty and food products contain palm oil which is a natural raw material usually obtained from tropical rainforests, it is one of the significant reasons why rainforests are cut down and it is our duty for mother nature to stop consumption of them. Alternatives to palm oil should be researched and purchased.

The lower the demand for palm oil products go the better the chances of less deforestation. Timber is mainly used to produce paper and as such the more paper we waste the more deforestation increases. Reducing the use of paper is imperative to help the trees and already used paper should be properly recycled if we are to make a significant difference. Finally, the best way to reduce deforestation is to raise as much awareness as possible. A simple social media post can inspire a lot of people to change their ways and give them knowledge on how to help the world.


Reading about plastic polluting the oceans or multinational companies cutting down acres of trees sometimes makes us feel small in comparison and doubt our ability to help. This is where we need to remind ourselves that there are billions like us, thinking the exact same way. If enough of us try to make a small difference it will all add up to make a significant one in favor of the environment. If not for yourself, do it for your loved ones or for your future children and theirs. Make a difference.