3 Discussions Every Parent Should have with their Teenagers

3 Discussions Every Parent Should have with their Teenagers

If you have kids, then you will be more than aware of how hard being a parent can be. From running around after toddlers to dealing with hormones, tantrums, and bad habits, it’s certainly not a picnic all of the time.

Once your kids become teenagers, elements of parenting get a lot easier. They don’t rely on you as much because they become far more independent, but it can also be a very worrying time. As they start to develop into young adults, you must allow them a greater level of responsibility but also ensure that you guide and teach them as best as you can about various aspects of life.

Chatting to them about certain topics will mean that when they do leave the nest, they will be more equipped to handle it, and it will give you peace of mind that you have given them the information you feel they need. Here are 3 discussions every parent should have with their teenagers.

Let’s talk about sex

Talking about the birds and the bees is something that many parents (and teenagers) dread. How you broach this subject very much depends on the relationship you have with your teen. For many, it will be no big deal, and you can openly chat about it and answers any questions your child may have. For others, it may be as brief as just letting your teen know that you are open to discussing it should they want to.

There are lots of online resources and books available on this subject that you can buy for your teen if you don’t feel comfortable talking about it. The most important thing to make sure of is that they are aware of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases and well-informed about contraception.

Where will they attend college?

Agreeing which college your teen should attend is something that could affect the whole family, so it has to be discussed together. Factors such as finance, location, and career path all need to be taken into account when narrowing down the choices.

If you feel like you are in over your head or could use some guidance in this area, companies like Going Ivy college admissions specialist can help. Not only can they help you find the right colleges to suit your child’s needs and abilities but can also help with things like tutoring and test preparation.

Money makes the world go round

Teaching your children about money management should set them on a steady path for later in life. Many adults don’t understand how a mortgage works or what the base lending rate is. Many people have lived their lives with no knowledge of budgeting or interest rates. Teach your teens as much as you can about finances now, and it will benefit them in spades when they are older.

If they don’t already save, open an account, and teach them about the importance of managing their money wisely. As their savings build, so will their understanding of how important it is to have money set aside for a rainy day.