3 Features Found on Dream Homes

3 Features Found on Dream Homes

It’s common to think about your dream home and even to plan it in your head or on paper. It can often seem like such an impossible dream that you feel free to get carried away with the design.

However, the reality is that your dream home is possible; but you may need to be willing to build it yourself. This can seem like a daunting prospect but, it is viable and achievable providing you are willing to take your build one step at a time.

Whether you’re looking to build your own dream home or purchase one ready to move in; it is highly likely that you ‘ll have your own vision of a dream home; it is likely that you’ll want these 3 features; they are found on most dream homes.

  1. Balcony


Most people imagine a dream home to be light, spacious and airy. But, they also want to enjoy the view. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking over your own yard or have a view across the beach to the sea; you’ll want some quality outside space.

The preferred option for this is a balcony that provides the views and the convenience. You will need to add balustrades but this is actually a great opportunity to add your own stamp to the balcony space.

Balconies in dream homes tend to be larger; you’ll want to step out and enjoy your morning coffee or entertain on them; ensuring your guests can have a great time without worrying about the dirt being brought into the house.

Of course the best balconies will be on the upper floors of your home; ensuring you the best possible view. However, this is also where you and your guests are most likely to be at risk of an accident.

That’s why it is essential that you choose the right balustrade and get professional advice. There are hundreds of pre-existing styles to choose from or you can create a custom balustrade which will really accentuate the balcony in your dream home. But, there are also regulations that need to be adhered to and safety considerations.

For example, a balustrade that is lower than waist height is going to increase the possibility of accidentally falling over it. But, if you go too high you’ll lose the view that you’re seeking. Glass can be a good option but this may present you with a privacy issue. In short, you need to design the balustrade to fit your house, personal style and needs.

  1. A Pool

It probably isn’t surprising that most people want a pool in their home. In fact the most common option is actually for an outside pool although you can combine these two elements.

The easiest way forward is to create an outside pool which is sunk into the ground. But, don’t forget you’ll need permission to build this.  It is also essential to have a good space round the pool that will allow you to relax poolside without getting wet.

It is possible to build an inside pool with a glass roof that opens; allowing you to use the pool throughout the year; no matter what the weather is doing.

Having a pool is more than just a status symbol; a pool is a great feature for exercise or simply to play in with the family. You will need to factor in the cost of running the pool on a daily basis but with the addition of solar panels you’ll find the cost is actually surprisingly small.

  1. South Facing


Let’s face it, when the weather starts to cool and winter makes its presence felt you want the sunlight to stream into your home. It can help to heat your house and the light will help to brighten your mood. It has been shown that sunlight can help to fight off depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

South facing is also a practical option if you want to add solar panels to your home and become self sufficient in energy terms. Alternative energy is a popular feature on dream homes; potentially the 4th most popular feature.

You may be concerned regarding the amount of heat this will put into your home in the summer months. However, shutters can be an effective way to block this sunlight. Alternatively you can invest in a couple of trees when landscaping the garden area. This will help to deflect the sun in the summer and keep your house cooler; without depriving you of the important light in the winter.

The beauty of a south facing home is that you can design your own kitchen and have it facing south; allowing you to enjoy the best possible amount of natural light. At the same tie other key rooms can face south; making them bright and enjoyable to spend time in. The bedrooms can be placed further back in the house where the sunlight is less important (especially when you’re asleep).

It is worth noting that a south facing home improves the potential of an open plan space inside; which is fast becoming an attractive feature on any dream home.