3 Home Improvement Projects Best Left to the Experts

3 Home Improvement Projects Best Left to the Experts

Americans spent an estimated $427 billion on home renovations last year. Kitchen and bathroom projects were by far the most common home improvement projects undertaken.

Depending on your experience, skill level, and access to the tools of the trade, you can shoulder many home improvement projects independently or with the help of family and friends. But some projects are better off left to professional contractors with the right skill set and experience.

Here are three home renovation projects to leave to the experts.

1. Electrical and Plumbing

This one might be controversial for DIYers who love renovating their homes independently. But unless you have training as an electrician or plumber, it’s best to call in the professionals.

Rookie mistakes could increase the odds of jeopardizing the structural integrity of your home. When it comes to required electrical work, you’ll want to avoid shorts or other electrical issues that could cause fires. A licensed electrician is the expert to call for electrical work.

You’ll also want to be careful about messing around with your home’s plumbing system. If you do something improperly, a small leak can lead to problems requiring expensive fixes. So, unless you’re absolutely sure you know what you’re doing and how to do it right, leave it to the pros.

2. Window Replacement

You’ll see many options when searching for new windows in a replacement window store. From single-hung to double-hung, picture to casement, sliding to awning, and bay to bow, windows come in many types and configurations. When you find the right windows, purchase them, and arrange for home delivery, consider having the seller install them as well.

Some people assume that replacement windows are easy to put in. And they might be if you’ve done them before and understand how to do it properly. But it’s not an ideal DIY project. If you don’t install them properly, you might damage the windows and lose out on the benefits.

New replacement windows can offer improved energy efficiency, soundproofing, interior comfort, and more. You won’t get these benefits, though, if the windows aren’t installed correctly.

Professional installers have the right training, tools, and skills to adjust to any problems they encounter. You’ll also get a warranty when your windows are installed by professionals — something you might void if you install them as part of a DIY project.

3. Roofing System

According to one source, 22,000+ people across the U.S. get injured each year while using ladders. So, avoiding any tasks requiring climbing onto your roof is a good idea. If your old roofing system needs to be replaced, hire a professional roofer rather than do it yourself. It’s not just a matter of avoiding bumps and bruises — it could be a matter of protecting life and limb.

In addition to not going onto your roof, you should get a professional for any work in your attic. Depending on the age of your home, your roof may have harmful asbestos insulation. Asbestos products were commonly used decades ago, but the carcinogenic risks associated with asbestos weren’t known back then. Asbestos exposure can lead to a rare and aggressive cancer called mesothelioma. It can take decades to notice any symptoms of this disease.

Your best bet is to hire a professional service provider with the experience to safely do any work in your attic or on your roof. The cost of protecting yourself and your loved ones will be worth it.

When the time comes for a home improvement project, carefully consider whether to do it yourself or hire an expert. Saving money and being independent is nice. But sometimes the best option is to retain the services of professionals who’ll do the job safely and correctly.