4 Major Applications of Water Trucks

4 Major Applications of Water Trucks

There are many situations where rural areas and even local neighbourhoods experience drinking water shortages or lose access to a supply of clean water through pipes. In these sorts of situations, water trucks are used.

Water trucks are specialised vehicles that are designed to transport and distribute water from one area to another. Their convenient and versatile build allows them to be used in various industries, including farming, road construction, agriculture, and dust control. In remote rural areas facing drinking water shortages, the timely intervention of water truck delivery ensures communities have access to clean water, serving as a vital lifeline during crises.

Let’s learn a bit more about how these vehicles function and how they’re used.

How Water Trucks Work

Water trucks come in a variety of types depending on their range and spraying or filling capabilities, which also vary based on the purpose they’re used for. Many large portable water trucks can hold around 36,000 litres. Some trucks come equipped with special features like safety equipment, off-road tires, and reinforcements for rugged trains.

Regarding the filling, pipes are usually mounted on one side of the truck or through an opening on the top of the truck. Similarly, spray nozzles, hose reels, drip bars, and water cannons are also situated in various places around the vehicle.

How Water Trucks are Used


Water trucks are crucial in rural areas where fire hydrants aren’t readily available. If there are no known water sources like lakes, ponds, or stored water tanks, then fire companies use the assistance of water trucks.

They are a quick and convenient source of water, making them ideal for such circumstances. They can also be used to dampen dry areas around the fire to stop it from spreading.

Dust Control

Construction and mining work tends to create a lot of dust wherever a project is being conducted. A huge amount of dust isn’t just an annoyance, it can be detrimental to the health of workers and make it difficult for them to complete their work.

It will inevitably delay work and risk health problems like bronchitis, eye irritation, asthma, lung damage, etc. Water trucks can help by spraying water on rising dust to suppress it and clear the air.

Soil Compaction

For construction companies to start the safe construction of bridges, buildings, homes, or roads, the site needs to be compacted into a flat and even surface. The presence of moisture in soil affects its density. If too much water is used, the ground becomes unstable. If too little water is used, it could make the soil brittle and harder for the dry particles to adhere to each other.

Water trucks are the perfect solution to this because they enable workers to monitor the amount of water they use, ensuring a good liquid-to-soil ratio and proper compaction.


Droughts are very common and are one of the worst natural disasters that plague the agricultural industry. Farmers need a steady water supply to irrigate their land and hydrate their livestock. Water trucks fulfil this purpose by providing both drinking water and water for agricultural use.

They are an essential part of a farmer’s equipment, as they can help them reduce the damage of intense drought. They can also be used to recycle rainwater and deliver it to crops and farmlands.