4 Places to Install Anti Slip Tape for Stairs

4 Places to Install Anti Slip Tape for Stairs

Accidents are inevitable. And when they happen, they don’t warn us upfront. We all know these spots that are always accidents prone; stairs, front doors, slippery corridors, and more. Fortunately, you can Purchase Grip Strip – Anti Slip Tape for Stairs and slippery floors to help prevent these costly accidents.

The strips fall accident can account at any place of home or your workplace. It may cause lots of losses such as injuries, hospital bills, recovery time from slips, sprains, fractures, bruises, and many more severe injuries, including health hazards.

The anti-slip tapes work to increase the fraction between a person’s shoes and the floor’s surface. They increase the grip and helps prevent slips. More often than not, it is not in every floor space that accidents happen; check out some of the most dangerous places; slips tend to happen the most below;

  1. Main Entrances

As compared to another part of the building, the main entrances tend to have the most traffic. These are the primary way into the building for people and everything else. They include water entering the building from people’s shoes or even after a heavy rainfall or snow.

For that reason, it is also the place that the most slip, trip, and fall, mostly tend to happen. Adding traction/ anti-slip tape will significantly reduce or even altogether prevent accidents caused by slippery floors. Even when the shoes are wet or the ground has snow, people can still walk in safely.

  1. Stairs

Stairs are the following most prominent places most accidents happen. Falling from a slip on the stairs could be dangerous, and people risk falling a significant distance. It may lead to broken limbs, fractures, sprains and strains, and even worse injuries that may deprive you of working and other physical activities for a long time.

That is why you will mostly see traction tapes on stairs in most buildings. It is for a good reason. Adding an anti-slip strip will help the workers and even your clients enter the building from falling and getting injured, especially if they wear casual shoes with not so much traction. This anti slip treads are a perfect way to protect our kids, pets, or the elderly from slipping.

  1. Kitchens and Bathrooms

There is no place more slippery than kitchens and bathrooms. It is almost as if these places are never arid. No matter what good material floors made off, there would always be a pool of water in one spot or another. Because of this, it is also some of the places most prone to slips and falls.

Areas around drains might also be slippery from water accumulations from sinks and pipes. To ensure everyone working around this area and everyone going in and out of these areas are safe, it is essential to add anti-slip tapes for the firmer and sturdier ground to walk on.

  1. Manufacturing Industries and Warehouses

Some industries and warehouses are more exposed to slippery floors than others. Because of the nature of work, some places may almost always be wet. Other dry slippery factors like sawdust in a facility that cuts wood, or dirt, may also be a significant contributing factor to slippery floors.

Traction tapes are helpful in these situations. Safety should always come first, and managers should assess the tough spots and sort the issue out.