4 Ways to Deal with Dry Skin in the Winter

4 Ways to Deal with Dry Skin in the Winter

With the coming of Winter, dry skin rushes in. If you’ve been experiencing itchy, cracked, or irritated skin, you’re not alone. Many people suffer during the winter months and end up miserable because they don’t know what to do. Every website offers varying advice, some of which work, and others don’t work at all.

Whether you’ve tried all the online remedies, or you’re just getting started trying to nourish your dry skin, here are five methods for moisturizing the body and face.

  1. Keep Moisturized

The number one tip, one that you might have heard before, is to keep your skin moisturized. If you moisturize all year, you might think you can skip over this step. But, when winter rolls around, you’ll need to keep this specific skincare advice in mind,

  • Moisturize as soon as you exit the bath or shower to help seal in the water and keep your skin nice.
  • Use a moisturizing soap or soap-free cleanser to keep in the natural oils of your skin.
  • Keep a light moisturizer with you while you’re out and apply small amounts to patches of the body that feel dry or itchy.

When you’re putting on the moisturizer, make sure that you’re using a pea-sized amount. To avoid the greasy feeling, start with a small dollop of cream on your hands and then rub it into the itchy, irritated areas.

  1. Use a Humidifier

One of the top reasons for dry skin is the dryness in the air. When the outside environment is dry, it strips the epidermis of its top layer. That’s why you experience chapping, irritation, and sometimes even redness in your skin when you’re out for too long during the Winter.

While you can’t take a humidifier out into the world with you, you can have one in your home and another in your office. Set the devices to around 60% or more, depending on your comfort level. The added moisture will help rejuvenate your skin.

  1. Stay Away from Hot Water

While humid air does wonders for the skin, hot water adds to the dryness. When it’s freezing outside, nothing is as enjoyable as getting into a steaming hot shower or bath. Unfortunately, submerging yourself in scalding water is most likely adding to your dry skin dilemma. Rather than trying to quit the habit entirely, making small, healthy adjustments is suitable.

Take your shower or bath, enjoy yourself. But, make sure that you’re limiting your time in the soak. Plus, make sure that you’re moisturizing as soon as you step out to keep the water locked in.

  1. Use Sunscreen

Even though it’s Winter and the sun isn’t out as often, sunscreen is essential. While you don’t have to be as attentive as during the summer, a winter sunburn can still happen. Plus, your skin is still being exposed to the damaging rays of the sun, even if it’s hidden behind clouds.

Apply a light layer before you leave the house, focusing on your face and other sensitive areas. If possible, get a sunscreen that has moisturizing elements.

Don’t Let Winter Get Your Skin Dry

While Winter is not a fun time for most people’s skin, you can take back the moisture. You don’t have to spend the cold months cooped up inside. You can go out, enjoy the world, and be happy knowing that your skin will stay moisturized and comfortable. Follow the advice listed here, go out and experiment with other care methods, but don’t let dry skin keep you unhappy and isolated.