5 Brilliant Camping Hacks to Try On Your Next Trip

5 Brilliant Camping Hacks to Try On Your Next Trip

Aren’t you tired of the daily hustle and bustle of the city? Ever want to leave the mundane rat race and just take on the mysterious wilderness on your next trip?

Sometimes taking a breather is a must-do to clear our minds off of things and a great, memorable activity you can do with your family or friends is – camping.

Whether you’re the most novice camper on the planet or if camping is already second-nature to you; you should never underestimate the volatility of the outback. A human is no match for the great wilderness and the creatures lurking in its profoundness. If you want to have the best camping adventure on your next trip, try these top 5 camping hacks to make sure everything will be smooth sailing.

  1. Choose the Right Location for Camping

There are several factors you need to consider before embarking on your next camping adventure. The first thing you need to check is the campsite’s size which you should match to your camping setup. Next is to check everybody’s camping or hiking ability, check the level of the spot, and if it’s suited to everyone’s preference. Water source is also an important information to check, you don’t want to arrive at the site without sufficient water to keep you hydrated throughout the trip. Apart from the above-mentioned factors, you might as well check the site’s conditions, weather, toilet availability, and something others are quite sensitive of – your neighbors!

  1. Prioritize Safety Measures

The outback is not something to be taken lightly because you will never know what you’ll come across with, whether it’s a severe rainstorm or wild animals, you have to always be cautious and protect yourself at all times. And speaking of wild animals; one must never approach them in case you come in contact with them. You must bring a bug spray as well to fend off those annoying insects and mosquitos. It’s also essential to familiarize poisonous plants before your trip; a lot of books are available for you to carry with you too. And the ultimate rule of thumb is – never forget your first-aid kit!

  1. Bring the Best Multi-Tools

This should be one of the camping essentials you should pack. Forgetting a multi-tool like a Swiss Army Knife is a camping no-no. A good multi-tool can also make your camping adventure easier. You can use it to prepare food and other cooking tasks, or if you’d like to sit around a bonfire, under the stars, best multi-tools will help you prepare, it’s sometimes used as a striker to ignite the fire. Gather some knowledge about the best camping multitool brands and then choose one.What about cutting cords and gauze pads (in case someone gets unlucky of wounds)? The possibilities are endless with a multi-tool! Look for the best brand and you’ll likely get the utmost functionality in future camping trips.

  1. Bring a Portable Cooking Stove with USB

This is a really brilliant camping essential you shouldn’t miss. A portable cooking stove is quite compact and very handy to pack. It’s light and it makes cooking in the wilderness no different than cooking in your home kitchen! But wait…I’m not done about the best part yet, some of these come with a USB port, now you can charge your phone while cooking. Sustainability at its best!

  1. Water Purification Tools

Remember I mentioned staying hydrated all the time? I don’t mean drinking just any kind of water you can find, well, if you want to get serious illnesses afterward then so be it; but if you want to keep hydrated with clean water through the entire duration of the trip; then there are several water purification tools, like water filter bottles, you can find online or offline.