5 Critical SEO Problems You Can Find in E-commerce Sites

5 Critical SEO Problems You Can Find in E-commerce Sites

To generate traffic and profit, having countless products on your e-commerce website is not going to be enough. You should know some of the problems that can destroy your site’s SEO. Have a look at PunchOut Catalogs that can help create a safe purchasing experience with your customers’ product catalogs.

Have a look at some critical SEO problems found in e-commerce sites.

  1. No Product Description

E-commerce sites have a huge number of products which is why it is common for the product descriptions to be short and automated. This, in turn, creates problems for SEO. With the Short descriptions, the search engines are provided with very little content to work with. After analyzing thousands of search results, studies concluded that longer product descriptions perform better on search engine results. Automated descriptions swap a few words into a template and can create a duplicate content issue. When the manufacturer provides the description, it is replicated on other websites, thus implying that you are not providing anything different or unique for the search engines. This will give the search engines no reason to rank you above your competitors.

  1. Lack Of Reviews

No user reviews are one of the primary reasons you can lose your customers and search engine ranking. User reviews not only dilute duplicate content, but they also seem to affect search results in several other ways. Including user reviews increases conversion rates, and in fact, diverse product ratings improve the conversions better than five-star-only reviews.

  1. Keyword Optimization

Many e-commerce product pages are not developed with the keywords in mind. A standard product page is built around a model and brand name. It is true that many consumers search for these names, and they should be included in the title tag and all the critical locations on the page. However, most consumers may not search by brand or model name. This is why, it’s important to include generic, popular phrases on your pages.

  1. Develop Informational Content

It is difficult to rank for “money” keywords, and it is a failing strategy to focus too heavily on them. If you are neglecting the informational keywords that help in targeting the customers who are hard to approach, everything else will be useless. By focusing more on informational keywords, you will rank for less competitive keywords and be able to build a stronger reputation with the search engines. Ranking for less competitive phrases will not only add traffic to those individual phrases, but it will also improve the website’s overall search engine reputation.

  1. Poorly Planned Site Redesigns

A site redesign is more important than you think. A site redesign intended to beautify and better a site, or to create changes expected to maximize conversions, can destroy all your organic search traffic. Implementing a site redesign on the website without taking into account the SEO of your site will have its repercussions. Pages ranked well can get lost, and content that was previously pulling in traffic can get rearranged.

With these risks in mind, you’ll be able to handle the technical issues you may face in your e-commerce site.

About the Author:
Melissa Stanley is a veteran tech writer and editor who has worked in several eCommerce companies so far. She has been covering technology online for over five years. She regularly posts at PCGT – PunchOut Catalogs.