5 Different Everyday Chiropractic Techniques For Treating Lower Back Pain

5 Different Everyday Chiropractic Techniques For Treating Lower Back Pain

The primary chiropractic procedure for treating lower back pain by a chiropractor is spinal manipulation. However, there are various kinds of spinal manipulation that can be done. Some are done with a specialized medical instrument while others are done by hand. Chiropractors also utilize specific therapies that assists with reducing pain and enhancing the condition of the spine and its surrounding structures. The method which will be used is contingent on the patient’s physical condition as well as the underlying cause of the lower back pain. Not only does a holistic approach of spinal manipulation helps to determine the strength of the musculoskeletal system, but also exercise, keeping stress levels down and getting the necessary nutrition. Chiropractors also work on shoulders. The aim of a typical frozen shoulder treatment in Singapore is to help minimize the pain while preserving the mobility of the shoulder.

Here we have outlined five different everyday chiropractic adjustment methods.

Motion Palpation

Motion palpation is performed to observe the spine to determine areas in your spinal column that or not moving as it should or that are out of alignment. The procedure entails a chiropractor places his hands at precise areas along the spine and conducting a range of motions. He will touch the entire spinal column (from lumbar to thoracic) and assess which areas feel out of place. Motion palpation is considered as a diagnostic tool, rather than just a spinal adjustment.

Toggle Drop

This procedure is performed by an experienced chiropractor Dr. Travis Morgan, D.C, using a rapid, precise thrust to an exact spot of the spine with the aim to relieve back pain. With the application of a toggle drop, a chiropractor crosses his hands and firmly presses down, utilizing a controlled movement to enhance mobility in your vertebral joints.

Release Work

With chiropractic release work gentle pressure is placed on the spine to mildly separate the vertebrae as well as promote free flow of the spinal column which will help with easing pain.

Lumbar Roll

One of the more well-known chiropractic techniques involve a lumbar roll, mainly for patients suffering from lower back pain. The patient lies on his side while the chiropractor stands on the front surface of his body. The doctor will then apply a quick, precise thrust to the affected area, which will subsequently return the vertebrae into appropriate alignment.

Table Adjustments

With table adjustments a table with a drop section is used where a piece of the table drops underneath the rest. For this procedure, the chiropractor performs a physical examination on the patient and ensure the body is in the appropriate position. A rapid thrust is then applied to the area that is out of alignment while the drop section of the table drops simultaneously. With the motion of the table lowering down, it permits the pressure from the chiropractic adjustment to disperse, making it more comfortable for both the chiropractor and patient. While numerous adjustments necessitate the back to be turned, with a table adjustment it is not the case. This procedure is extremely effective but is a specialized method that require both skill and specialized equipment. Table adjustments are an excellent way of unlocking the spine and promoting complete mobility while lowering back pain.