5 Factors To Consider When Choosing PPE

5 Factors To Consider When Choosing PPE

As per the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act), it’s important for every employer to provide a risk free work environment to his employees. Speaking of which, proper protective wear should be provided to the employees, especially if the nature of the work is dangerous and hazardous to some extent.

  1. Personal Protective Equipment

We cannot stress enough on the importance of PPE for employees who work in a hazardous work environment. In fact, it’s the duty of the employer to ensure that there are little to no risks or dangers in the work environment that can be deadly for the employees. All of this has to be done before PPE is issued.

The issue that most employers face with PPE is that their employees don’t make the right use of the apparel given to them for protection. There are several reasons behind it, and one of the main reasons is that this costume hinders the productive labor of the workers. For example, in extreme temperatures, employees disregard their PPE because it’s already too hot for them out there, and they don’t feel comfortable in their protection apparel. This makes a little sense, but at the same time, this behavior can have serious effects on the organization.

In order to lessen the threat and ensure the compliance of the employees, there are certain things that can be done. The most important of all is to make sure that you are choosing the right PPE.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing personal protective equipment for your employees:

  1. Proper Fit

The first thing you need to focus on is the size. Is the garment making it difficult for the employee to work? If yes, then there’s probably something wrong with the size. You need to understand that when it comes to protection apparel, there’s no such concept as ‘one size will fit all’.The garment shouldn’t be too tight or too large, in fact it should fit the body of your employee perfectly.

  1. Flexibility And Weight

You don’t want the protection wear to mess with your motion range and increase your fatigue, right? If yes, then make sure that the apparel is light in weight, it should be made up of flexible material, and on top of everything, the fabric should be able to withstand all kinds of extreme chores of the workplace.

  1. Choosing The Right PPE

There are several different PPE types, and you are supposed to choose the one that fits your workplace perfectly. There are gloves, glasses, gowns, shoe covers, respirators, etc. The point we are trying to explain here is that if you want your employees to follow all of your instructions regarding wearing the right protective apparel, then first do some research on your own. Try to figure out the right PPE for your employees and then ask them to wear it all and guide them.

If you’re unsure about the right PPE for your employees, take the time to research and discover more at Unigloves. Their expertise in gloves and other protective safety products can help you make informed choices for your workplace.

  1. Establishment Of A Heat Illness Prevention Program

If you want to ensure the safety of your workers and if they have to work for you in extreme weather conditions, then make sure to establish a program first. For example, if your work includes high heat levels, then establish a heat illness prevention program because honestly, getting PPE is just one part of the puzzle. There’s a lot more you have to do, and you have to consider things to work the way you want them to.


We hope that by now, you’ve understood how you have to buy the right PPE for your workers. So don’t wait any further, consider these tips and try buying them right away.