5 Healthy Hair Habits You Should Practice

5 Healthy Hair Habits You Should Practice

Having glamorous, radiant hair goes beyond using high-end products we often see in commercials or advertised by celebrities. It begins with maintaining its vitality by getting into the right healthy habits!

In this short guide, we’ll explain a few habits you should start practicing if you’re not already!

  1. Feed Your Hair the Right Foods

No, we are not referring to the products you put into your hair. We are talking about actual food you consume on a regular basis. If you want to improve its overall appearance and texture you need to begin from within.

We are not suggesting you switch up your diet entirely, but you do want to be sure you incorporate fruits, vegetables, and drink a lot of water. Consider eating these foods throughout the days as snacks or make yourself a tasty smoothie if you have a hard time eating fruits and veggies. Improving your diet will give your hair follicles the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

Another great way to get your daily dose of fruits/veggies is taking vitamins. A daily supplement can go a long way and fill the gaps where your diet may be lacking.

  1. Cleanse the Right Way

 How often should you wash your hair? This is a common question and the answer depends on your daily routine. Some people work out or use product in their hair every day. A dirty scalp clogs pores and follicles making it difficult for new hair to grow – not to mention it’s not very sanitary!

A reason you should not wash your locks every single day is that doing so will strip your scalp from its natural hair oils that are essential to beautiful, shiny locks. The best everyday shampoo for you should preserve your hairs natural oils while fully cleansing and hydrating your scalp.

  1. Be Cautions with Heat

 It’s no surprise that too much heat is damaging to hair. In fact, when using straightening or curling irons too often, your hair may become so brittle and weak, it will take years for it to return to its natural state. Heat leads to breakage, split ends, and dry hair.

Here are some tips to keep in mind next time you’re applying heat:

  • Go for heat tools that offer low, medium, and high settings as opposed to simply “on/off”
  • Before heat styling, hydrate your hair by cleansing and conditioning it
  • Always, always, always use heat protectant as this product serves as a barrier between the hot tool and your locks

Keeping this in mind will cause minimal damage and give you luscious hair that is sure to turn heads.

  1. Detangle Gently from End to Root

This is an important tip to follow especially if you have curly, thick locks. If you’re trying to get tangles out, you should never start from the roots. Begin combing out the ends and slowly work your way up. This will prevent as much breakage from happening.

  1. Trim Your Hair Regularly

This may seem counteractive if you’re trying to grow out your tresses, however, getting rid of dead ends and broken hair will restore its strength and speed up the growing process. Keep your follicles in good shape by massaging your scalp every night as this will help with blood flow and encourage healthy growth.

We hope you begin incorporating these techniques into your hair routine to improve its overall health and appearance. Which tips do you think will work best for you? We’d also love to hear other techniques you already use that have worked for you!