5 of the Best Video Game Characters You Should Know About

5 of the Best Video Game Characters You Should Know About

Video games can be very successful and very profitable. Video game masterpieces often become franchises. These franchises then spawn communities where fans gather and discuss playing the game. Of course, what makes a video game so great is its story, mechanics, gameplay, and, most of all, its characters.

Almost every video game has its protagonists and antagonists. In their world, these characters have their own backgrounds. Whether it’s a simple game like Tetris or a complex open-world game like Final Fantasy XV, all of these games have some plot that can make the game more fun to play. Without further ado, here are some famous video game protagonists. As a bonus, here some random facts included:

Kratos – God of War Series

Perhaps known as the God of War, Kratos is a well-known character from the God of War franchise. In the game series, Kratos is a famous Spartan warrior who piques the interest of the Greek gods. He then becomes the “Ghost of Sparta” and embarks on quests that help fend off disasters. His journeys are also centered on altering his fate.

Players love how Kratos is arrogant and brash by nature. The video game franchise is exclusive from Sony. This means you only get to play the game on Playstation consoles. In the latest installment of the series, the game shifts its view from Greek mythology to Nordic.

In the game, you control Kratos and his son, Atreus. You also get to battle with nordic creatures such as valkyries, trolls, and dragons. You can even battle the Nordic gods. God of War, along with many games in the franchise, are genuinely timeless video game classics.

Lara Croft – Tomb Raider Franchise

Lara Croft is a pioneer for most female video game characters. She’s arguably the most known female protagonist. Lara Croft is an archaeologist and treasure hunter who loves venturing into ruins.

Lara Croft was the first to break the stereotype of women’s portrayal in video games. Instead of being the damsel in distress, Lara is strong and does the rescuing instead. Lara is so iconic that it has spawned movies with Angelina Jolie notably portraying her. The video game has created a franchise with a considerable following.

Samus Aran – Metroid Franchise

Although Samus isn’t the most famous Nintendo protagonist, she’s arguably one of the best. In the Metroid game franchise, you get to control Samus Aran. She’s an ex-soldier from the Galactic Freedom who now works as a bounty hunter.

What makes Samus great is that it takes a lot to know that you’re playing one of the best female video game characters. Samus is practically covered in a powered exoskeleton that hides her face. It’s not until you finish the game Metroid, where Samus is revealed to be an attractive woman.

Samus Aran’s latest appearance in the video game world is in Nintendo’s smash hit, Super Smash Bros, Ultimate. In the game, Samus dons the Zero Suit. The Zero Suit is more sleek, exposing Samus’s face and attractive body features.

Geralt of Rivia – The Witcher Franchise

Geralt is currently making a buzz in the social media world. He is the protagonist of Netflix’s newest series, The Witcher. Even before the series, Geralt of Rivia was slaying monsters in the books and the video game series. Geralt is a human turned into a mutant. He belongs to a class of mighty monster hunters known as Witchers.

Although Geralt was under the radar for some gamers, he eventually became famous because of The Witcher 3. Set in an open world, you control Geralt as he finds Ciri, another central character in the series. The game is immersive, with Geralt completing quests such as monster extermination. Some quests can also be simpler, such as retrieving a frying pan for an old lady.

Pikachu – Pokemon Franchise

You don’t have to be a god, a ninja, or a treasure hunter to be one of the best video game characters. Sometimes, all you need is a cute yellow coat, two red circles on your cheeks, and a tail shaped like a thunderbolt. You also have to say “Pika, Pika, Pi, or Chuuuu” all the time.

Yes, we’re talking about Pikachu, arguably one of the cutest Pokemon in the game series. Pikachu has been a mainstay for the animated series, which contributes to his popularity. And yes, we did say “his” because Pikachu is, in fact, male. It’s confirmed in the anime that Pikachu is indeed a male because of the shape of his tail. Female Pikachus have a heart at the end of their tail while males have the thunderbolt edge.

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The world of video games is indeed fascinating and immersive. Video games only get better because of their characters. The ones mentioned above, are just some of the best. Whether you’re brash and arrogant such as Kratos, or cute and adorable like Pikachu, video game protagonists are central to any successful video game franchise.