5 Reasons You Need Leaf Gutter Guards for Your Home

5 Reasons You Need Leaf Gutter Guards for Your Home

Leaf Gutter Guards are ideal accessories that keep your home’s foundation from suffering damage. It prevents any rot, rising damp, or mold growth because of moisture build-up. It also protects homeowners from having to pay thousands of dollars in costly repairs or replacements. If you have yet to install leaf gutter guards on your home, here are five critical reasons that will reduce slow drainage, pooling roof water and clogs from leaves and debris.

1. Debris Is Unable to Build up in Gutters


Each season offers different conditions that cause havoc on gutters. Without leaf gutter guards, water forms into ice in the winter. In the spring, sticky pollination, seeds and flower petals find their way onto rooftops. Storms also cause rushing water to pool in the gutters after debris causes clogs to occur. If left uncleaned, it will continue to accumulate during the summer, which causes water to drain improperly. In the fall, falling leaves, pine needles, branches and debris builds and clogs quickly.

2. You Have a Proper Water Drainage System in Place

Proper Water Drainage System

Rainwater will cause havoc on your roof, walls, siding and foundation, which eventually leads to rising damp, mold and flooding. Soil erosion will also increase the chance that the foundation will sink. Heavy rainfall can also cause your gutter to collapse, which will require a major repair or replacement. Once it breaks free from the roof, it will cause roof damage that will leak into and flood the attic. Mold will grow within 48 hours and require remediation and clean up that costs thousands of dollars in roof, gutters attic repairs. With the use of leak guards, it will provide a proper water drainage system that prevents moisture from growing in your home.

3. Gutter Guards Protect Your Home’s Infrastructure

Gutter Guards

One of the most vital responsibilities of gutter guards is to protect your home’s infrastructure from cracks and facade deterioration. When installed properly, the leaf guards also promote a healthy drainage system that properly drains water away from your home’s infrastructure so that moisture does not travel through your walls and basement. A rise in moisture level will lead to rising damp and salt deposits that cause material deterioration that will cost thousands to repair.

4. Reduces the Risk of Soil Erosion

Soil Erosion

Gutters, when working properly, allow water to freely flow from the roof through the gutters to the downspouts and away from your home. When gutters are clogged, the water flows over the roof onto the ground, which causes moisture levels to rise quickly. It is the main contributor to soil erosion, which damages the foundation and facade deterioration. You will have to replace rotting wood, plaster and siding as well.

5. Quality Leaf Guards Have Long-term Warranties

Quality made leaf guards usually come with long-term warranties that last between 20 and 40 years. It is the best solution for roof water removal and drainage.

As you research, you will find that there are several leaf gutter guards that are advantageous to homeowners. Ensure that the one you choose fits your gutters and provide optimal results.