5 Reasons Why Drinking Coffee is Good for You

5 Reasons Why Drinking Coffee is Good for You

If you’re an avid coffee drinker, the thought may have crossed your mind that having too much isn’t good for you. While that’s a common assumption to make, it couldn’t be further from the truth!

It turns out that drinking coffee is not only tasty, but it has an endless amount of benefits as well.

Now, we’re not saying it’s okay to drink coffee non-stop. But in moderation, coffee can improve your health and then some.

Want to know why coffee is so good for you? Keep reading to discover the inside scoop!

1. It’s Packed Full of Antioxidants

No doubt brewing a cup of coffee starts your day out right. It tastes and smells good, so what’s not to love?!

Well, besides its tastiness, coffee beans also happen to have tons of antioxidants.

Unfortunately, most people don’t have five daily servings of vegetables and fruit in a day. That’s why a cup of coffee becomes the main antioxidant contributor.

It would be best if you were making an effort to get the recommended servings of veggies and fruit each day. But if you fall short, coffee can make up for the antioxidants your body may lack.

Who knew that coffee could be such an excellent source of antioxidants!

2. You May Have a Less Likelihood of Getting Alzheimer’s

People over the age of 65 have a higher likelihood of getting Alzheimer’s, and two-thirds of women tend to get it.

Even though there’s no cure for the disease, drinking coffee can help. According to studies, you have up to a 65% chance of not getting it if you drink coffee!

So if you want protection from contracting diseases like Alzheimer’s, keep drinking your daily cup of jo!

3. It Can Make You Happier

If you struggle with depression, drinking coffee may help.

In 2011 Harvard did a study on women in regards to coffee and depression. They found that the women who drank four or more cups per day had a 20% lower risk of suffering from depression.

Coffee is also linked to emotions that make you happy, so it makes sense that it would prevent depression!

So, if you’d like to feel happier, try drinking more coffee. It certainly couldn’t hurt!

4. You May Live Longer

Don’t despair that the fountain of youth doesn’t exist. You may still be able to live longer, all thanks to coffee!

Coffee may prevent you from getting heart disease. Plus, it can also stop you from getting type 2 diabetes. Since it combats disease, it makes sense that you would live longer.

Studies have also conveyed that people who regularly drink coffee live longer. That’s great news if you worry about having a chronic health condition now or in the future.

5. It Improves Your Athletic Performance

To have a better workout and burn fat too, coffee can help with that! The reason why this is so is due to its caffeine.

The positive effects of caffeine make your muscles stronger and can also reduce pain. There are other positive effects as well, such as an improvement in circulation.

To give yourself an extra boost during your next workout, drink a cup of coffee. It may be just what you need to run more miles or finish up lifting weights still with energy to spare!

In Conclusion

The next time someone tells you you’re drinking too much coffee, you have the perfect comeback!

Tell them that drinking coffee has huge perks, such as possibly living longer!

So don’t feel guilty having more than one cup of coffee in the morning. If you’re running late to work and need extra coffee to give you a boost, grab some Grinds coffee nicotine free pouches and enjoy!