5 Reasons to Winterize Your Home before Snowfall

5 Reasons to Winterize Your Home before Snowfall

Winterizing home for coming winters is a crucial step of planning for unforeseeable disasters. Whether you are going on vacations or simply looking for a solution to freeze pipes. It is better to prepare your home for snowfall or winter.

Snowfall and freezing temperatures can wreak havoc in the home. However, a properly prepared home especially the plumbing system can survive without any damage year-round. To winterize pipe make the house vacant for some days, so that no water runs in the pipes. The winterizing process or restoration construction involves things like a water heater, draining all water and sealing of gaps.

Benefits of Winterizing Plumbing System are as follow:

Melts Frozen Water in Pipes

During winters when the temperature falls rapidly, water in pipes start freezes. Further, it expands on freezing which leads to bursting of plumbing pipe. However, when winterize pipes, require heating elements which help in melting the frozen water. Once the ice melts insulate the plumbing pipes completely so that it prevents further freezing of water.

Increases Energy Efficiency

Freezing of plumbing pipes makes the space cold which requires more heaters and consumes more energy. However, pipe winterization doesn’t allow water to freeze in pipes which need less energy thus increases the energy efficiency of the house.

Prevents Water Damage

When a pipe freezes during winter in a residential or commercial building, it often bursts. The water inside the pipe expands when it freezes. Thus the pipe material burst and hundreds of gallons of water start running in the house.  Further, the resulting water damage can spoil structure of building that may put a hole in your pocket.

However, winterize plumbing pipes effectively prevent water damage to your home. This will save you and your property from the long-lasting effects of water damage.

How to Start Pipe Winterization:

  • Shut off the entire water valve present in your building.
  • Now, turn off the water pump and electronic devices.
  • Turn off the water heater and left the home vacant for a few days.
  • Open all the drain valves and taps and another drainage system around your home.
  • Now open all the taps, to drain the standing water in them. Moreover, a closed tap will create a vacuum that will prevent water from escaping the pipe.
  • Further, use an air compressor to remove the excess water from the pipes.
  • Open the drain valve of the hot water heater and makes it empty completely.
  • Flush toilets to remove as much water as possible from them.
  • Seal all the gaps and leaks properly with a good sealant
  • In the end, insulate the pipes properly to prevent them from freezing again in the season.

Final Words:

Now, you come to know about the benefits of winterizing plumbing pipes, so do it before winters to save money and property. If you find it difficult to by yourself, then call professionals near you. They are expert in handling all restoration and plumbing work.