5 Signs of Dehydration — and How IV Therapy Can Help!

5 Signs of Dehydration — and How IV Therapy Can Help!

Are you drinking enough water every day? Many health experts recommend drinking eight eight-ounce glasses of water daily. That works out to around two liters of water

If you’re not drinking enough water, you might experience dehydration. Dehydration means your body loses more fluids than you’re putting into it. That’s something you’ll want to avoid. Failing to correct this imbalance can lead to severe issues. Causes of dehydration aren’t limited to drinking too little water. Other causes include diabetes, medications that make you urinate more, excessive alcohol consumption, bouts of diarrhea, and perspiration during exercise. 

One option if you’re struggling with dehydration, despite perhaps drinking a lot of water, is IV hydration therapy. It’s a medical procedure where fluids fortified with nutrients and vitamins are administered into your bloodstream intravenously. You can go to a service provider’s facility or find a service provider that will book an appointment and provide in-home IV therapy.

Before addressing dehydration issues, you need to know when you’re dehydrated. Continue reading to see X signs that you might be dehydrated. You’ll also learn more about how IV hydration therapy can help to ensure your body is adequately hydrated.

1. Fatigue

Are you feeling more tired and sluggish than usual? That may be a sign that you’re dehydrated. The fact of the matter is that you will feel more tired than the norm if you’re dehydrated. Another way to see if your fatigue might be connected to dehydration is if you feel more exhausted than usual after some exercise. Are you panting more heavily than usual after running on the treadmill? Do you find that you can’t do as many repetitions with the barbells? Don’t ignore these changes. If you’re dehydrated, you need to do something about it.

2. Headaches

Another possible sign of dehydration is a headache. If you find that you’re getting frequent headaches all of a sudden, then ensure that you’re getting enough fluids. Consuming enough water every day can help to lessen headache symptoms. That’s especially good news if you’ve ever had a migraine. Migraines can be debilitating. So, they’re no joke. One way you can reduce the instances of headaches and lessen their intensity is to stay well hydrated.

3. Light-Headedness

Are you experiencing light-headedness or dizziness? Did these occurrences seemingly come out of nowhere? One reason you might be undergoing bouts of light-headedness is dehydration. Since being dehydrated can leave you feeling dizzy, ensure you drink plenty of water. Light-headedness can be especially dangerous since you could lose your balance and fall. That’s one reason you need to figure out why you’re feeling light-headed in the first place.

4. Poor Concentration

If you’re dehydrated, you could eventually find that your concentration suffers. The reason for this is that an insufficient amount of fluids can adversely impact short-term recall ability. In addition to impacting your concentration, dehydration can also leave you in a bad mood. Drinking enough water every day can help to keep your mind alert so that concentration isn’t an issue. Left unchecked for too long, severe dehydration can actually result in an altered mental state that can manifest itself as anger or even confusion.

5. Dark Urine

Is your pee a dark color? If so, that’s a telltale sign that you’re not drinking enough water. It also indicates you’re dehydrated and need to increase your water intake. Another sign that you might be dehydrated is if you don’t urinate all that much. You’ll want to drink more fluids.

These are just a handful of signs you may be dehydrated. And if you think you might be, you need to do something about it. In addition to drinking more water, consider getting IV hydration therapy. It can help you hydrate while getting any vitamins or minerals you may be lacking.