5 Signs It Is Time to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

5 Signs It Is Time to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Did you realize that the average smoker spends nearly $3,000 a year to fund this nasty habit? Not only can smoking cigarettes cause you to lose a lot of money, it can also lead to serious health problems.

If you are committed to quitting, finding the right tools and support system is a must. Many people have successfully laid down cigarettes for good with the help of e-cigarettes. Are you interested in using e-cigarettes to help you quit smoking actual cigarettes? If so, be sure to check out onlinesmoke.com to find great deals on the supplies you need.

When the time comes to stop smoking cigarettes, you may notice some of the signs detailed below.

  1. The Dreaded “Smoker’s Cough”

Smoking cigarettes on a consistent basis for years and years will lead to very serious health issues. One of the first warning signs a person may notice when it is time to quit smoking is a persistent cough. The “smoker’s cough” as it is commonly referred to generally surfaces first thing in the morning.

The small hairs in your throat, known as the cilia, get paralyzed each time you smoke a cigarette. These tiny hairs are used to remove phlegm. If these hairs are damaged by years of smoking, you will experience a vicious cough in the morning as your body tries to get rid of phlegm. By laying down cigarettes for good, you can get rid of your smoker’s cough within a few months.

  1. Issues With Stomach Ulcers Are Common Among Smokers

Did you realize that smoking cigarettes on a consistent basis can actually make your digestive system slower? When this slow down happens, stomach ulcers become more common. The longer the hydrochloric acid produced by the body during digestion stays in the stomach, the higher the likelihood of stomach ulcers forming becomes.

  1. Constant Shortness of Breath

If you smoke cigarettes on a daily basis, chances are you will not be able to run or participate in intense cardio exercise for long periods of time. The damage that cigarettes do to the lungs makes shortness of breath a common occurrence. In some instances, experiencing shortness of breath can be a sign of emphysema.

People with emphysema have a hard time getting enough oxygen into their lungs. Smokers are at a much higher risk of developing this condition, which is all the more reason to quit immediately.Throat Problems

  1. Smokers Typically Experience Chronic Sore 

Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, it does damage to your throat. Over time, smokers can develop a condition known as Pharyngitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the throat. This condition can be very painful and is almost directly related to the ingestion of the toxic chemicals from a cigarette.

Smoking actually destroys the mucus lining in the throat, which is what causes this inflammation. Instead of punishing your body because of a dependency on cigarettes, now is the time to find a way to quit.

Quit Smoking 1

  1. Regular Heartburn Can Be Extremely Painful

Most smokers fail to realize that their bad habit relaxes the base of their esophagus. The muscle at the base of the esophagus is responsible for opening and closing the connection to the stomach. Smokers typically suffer from regular heartburn as a result of these muscles relaxing. If you are tired of having heartburn every day, then you need to find a way to get rid of your addiction to nicotine.

Luckily, there are a number of tools on the market designed to make quitting cigarettes easier. Consulting with your primary physician is a great way to get some guidance regarding how to quit safely.