5 Smart Tips To Make Moving House Easier

5 Smart Tips To Make Moving House Easier

Moving from one place to another is no fun. As soon as the date creeps up, you become more and more agitated thinking about all the stuff that needs to be packed, isn’t it? Well, not all of us are good at packing stuff up and there’s no harm in admitting it. That is why here are some pointers to help you make the move as smooth as possible.

#1: Hire A Professional Mover

Well, this might not seem like a viable option for everyone but hiring a professional mover like Matco will definitely help you to lessen your worries. They would pack everything on your behalf and help you move from one place to another. All you need to say is what goes on where, and you will be able to rest easy knowing, someone responsible is taking care of it.

#2: Leave Clothes On Hanger

It’s really too much work to unhang your clothes, fold them, pack them. Once you have moved to your place, you would need to unpack, unfold and then hang them again. So, why not keep it in the hanger. Moreover, when you keep your clothes on the hangar, and fold it, it is easy to unpack and doesn’t mess your clothes.

#3: Use Your Suitcases

You can always leverage the use of wheels when you are moving from one place to another. If you have large suitcases, make use of them, as it will be easier to carry the stuff from one place to another. Use it to pack things that cannot be easily transferred in boxes, and weighs much more than other stuff.

#4: Color Code Your Boxes

Moving can be chaotic, and you will soon forget which box contains what. In order to make sure that you don’t open the packing of all boxes, color code your boxes for easy access. Maybe use blue for dresses, green for utensils and red for jewelry or other stuff. You can always prepare your own color code and use them for easy access.

#5: Remember Pets & Kids

If you have infants or toddlers, it can become very tough to pack things and move, especially on the moving day. Same is the case with pets, especially cats. So, the safest way is to keep your kids or pets somewhere else. This will help you to maintain their schedule while not worrying about them while you are packing or moving.

When you are packing for moving, make sure you complete all the task the night before. In the morning, you will have to arrange for transport and take care of other items. Last minute packing can cause unnecessary delays, so avoid it if you can.

While unpacking, starting with the kitchen is a good option. It helps you to get some food, after the hectic schedule of packing. If you cannot unpack fully, you can always take out some basic utensils and the gas stove to prepare a dish. Otherwise, you can always opt for a takeout for a day or two while you straighten out your stuff.