5 Tips for Cleaning Out Your Bedroom Closet

5 Tips for Cleaning Out Your Bedroom Closet

Cleaning out your closet can often be a daunting task that can sometimes be difficult even to know where to begin. Unfortunately, decluttering is a necessary evil we all deal with at some point. Here are five tips we’ve compiled to help you clean out and organize your closet space. 

1. Simplify Your Wardrobe

 Simplifying your wardrobe will make it easier to clean out your closet. Try a minimalist approach when it comes to your clothes and accessories.

If you own a lot of accessories, consider cutting back. If you own hundreds of purses, consider narrowing your collection down to a few tote bags, handbags, and a wristlet wallet. The same goes for shoes. Consider keeping a few basic pairs of heels, boots, and sandals that can be paired with most of your outfits. Keep a pair of sneakers.

Regarding clothing, keep basic pieces that you can wear daily or dress up if you want. Keep timeless pieces you’ll wear for years to come, and consider tossing out trendy pieces that won’t stand the test of time.

2. Be Honest with Yourself

 One of the most useful bedroom organization tips is, to be honest with yourself. Will you actually wear that dress that’s been hanging in the back of your closet since you bought it three years ago?

Take inventory of all of your clothes. Identify what pieces you no longer wear or that no longer fit. From here you can decide which clothes need to stay and which ones you can part with.

Ask yourself how long it’s been since you’ve worn each clothing item in your closet. If it’s been a year or longer, it’s probably time to toss it out. 

3. Decide What to Donate or Sell

When cleaning out your closet, make two piles when tossing out clothes you no longer want: sell or donate.

Some clothes and accessories may be difficult to part with if they’re new with tags or in good condition. But if you know you’ll never wear or use them again, there’s no point in keeping them, either. You can list clothes that are new or in good condition on sites like Poshmark or eBay. This option is especially good for designer brands.

If your clothes or accessories have a little more wear and tear, consider donating them to the Salvation Army, Goodwill, or local shelters. If your clothes have seen better days, consider donating them to animal shelters.

Having a plan on what to do with unwanted items can make the process go a little easier.

4. Find a Way to Reorganize

 When decluttering your closet, it’s important to figure out how you’ll reorganize it. You might consider using storage bins to store away clothes that aren’t currently in season and make more room.

You might also consider adding extra shelves to your closet for extra space. If you have a lot of shoes, add a shoe rack to the bottom of your closet.

Another tip is to move some of your clothes to a dresser drawer. If you hang your jeans, consider putting them in a drawer instead. It can also be ideal for storing camisoles or tank tops in a dresser drawer.

5. Clear Your Schedule

 Home Buckets Cleaning out your closet isn’t something you can generally do in an hour. It often takes a lot of time. Consider taking an entire weekend to work on cleaning out your closet. It might be a pain to dedicate an entire day or two to decluttering your closet, but it will be worth it in the long run.

These are just five tips for cleaning out your bedroom closet. Decluttering is something we all need to do from time to time. Following these tips can help you achieve a clean, organized closet with minimal stress.