5 Top Advantages of Electric Cars

5 Top Advantages of Electric Cars

Saying that electric vehicles (EV) are a relatively new idea is a myth! EVs are actually an idea that has been sprouting and developing since 1827 when the first electric motor was created.

For the very last decades, we’ve been dealing with an increasing environmental awareness as well as drastic climate changes. The issue led to a distinctive revival of the EV idea and an increased production of electric cars.

Even though EVs are getting more and more common, there’s still a long way to the complete universalisation ahead of us. In case you’re still not sure if getting an EV is a good idea, with My Car Needs This, we’ve gathered the 5 top advantages of electric cars that might interest you!

  1. Electricity over Gasoline

Asking any driver about expenses related to his car they would say that paying for gas is something that exhausts their budget the most. High and unstable gas prices are often seen as the main argument in favour of EVs in daily life matter. Electricity is not only cheaper but also safe from drastic price volatility.

Furthermore, with EVs, you can stay independent from gas stations. You can use solar panels to acquire electric energy from daylight! Usually, an electric car’s battery lasts about 60-100 miles so you’re forced to stop and recharge the vehicle from time to time on a trip but with solar panels, it’s easier during daytime — the panels keep the battery going while you’re driving!

  1. Obvious Health and Ecological Benefits

The main objective pursued by EV producers nowadays is environmental protection — to keep the air cleaner and preserve Earth’s atmosphere. However, air pollution is a problem concerning not only flora and the ozone layer but also humans as a giant part of Earth’s ecosystem.

Smog, acid rain, and carcinogenic fumes wreak havoc in our health. Asthma and allergies among the urban population are as common as catching a cold. What’s even worse is that air pollution increases the risk of various types of cancer. Switching to electric cars, even though it’s happening slowly, helps us improve the condition of both our planet and health.

  1. Noise Reduction

Vehicles with petrol-driven motors cause excess noise which is particularly tiresome in big cities. Noise emission in the cities is actually more harmful than we think. We got used to the street buzz and we often stop to notice speeding motorcycles and trams ringing outside our windows.

And meanwhile, the constant noise in the everyday background is a silent killer! Persistent exposure to high-level noise can result in permanent hearing damages, nausea, neurosis, and depression.

Electric cars decrease the levels of noise pollution. EVs have about 20 moving parts while petrol-driven cars — 100 times more! Electric cars glide on the streets almost in complete silence!

  1. Low Maintenance

Frequent visits at the mechanic’s bread and butter of the owners of gas-driven cars. Systematical oil change, wear of the brakes, often engine complications… Proper maintenance of a car can really be a pain. But with such a complicated construction, it’s no wonder!

Obviously, EVs don’t require oil changes at all. The only thing we have to keep in mind is that battery of an electric car also gets old and needs to be exchanged approximately every 8 years (that assumes the mileage of 100.000 miles).

And thanks to the simple construction, damages occur distinctively less frequently in electric cars.

When it comes to the costs of the maintenance, even though the battery exchange can really stretch your budget, it’s still appreciably cheaper in the long run!

  1. Governmental Financial Benefits

The environmental awareness flourishes not only in society itself but also in the political world. And so, there are countries and specific cities where you either have to pay a fee if you want to drive in with a petrol- or diesel-driven car or where such engines are forbidden irrevocably!

In that spirit, if you’re an electric car user, you can expect the government will appreciate your ecological input with a special tax credit. It can even be up to $7.500! The exact amount of the tax reduction depends, i.a., on the model of your EV.

Right after the industrial revolution, all technological progress and inventions started entering the market and our homes rapidly. Everything that makes our lives easier adapts quickly but not always is healthy nor environmentally friendly.

When it comes the time of a significant global change and we need to reconcile our comfort with social and ecological responsibility, we find ourselves in a very challenging situation. We’re trying to make the positive change but we can’t see the results instantly.

Electric cars are one of the steps to the better world. EVs are not as common as petrol-driven cars yet, but we can see clear progress in the last few years. That slow but visible progress means that it’s worth fighting for a good cause even if the change comes slowly!