5 Top Reasons Coastal Living is Right For You

5 Top Reasons Coastal Living is Right For You

If you’ve ever spent time at the sea, you’ll know by now that the ocean has some kind of magical hold over us. You might have been thinking about moving to the coast, and if you have this is your sign that it’s the right decision.

Anyone thinking about living near the ocean could take a look at new luxury apartments in Atlantic City, NJ or similar places and know without a doubt that it’s time to jump on a plane. Here are five reasons to move to the sea.

Closer to Nature

Living nearby to the sea just inspires you to get outside and breathe in the fresh, salty air. Many people who live at the coast tend to spend more time outdoors, whether this is over weekends with friends and family, or simply in their day-to-day lives. Having the beach on your doorstep is certainly a motivating factor to get your toes in the sand for a sunset walk or taking your dog for a run.

You might even find yourself seeking design inspiration from your coastal surroundings.

Get Fit and Fresh

Spending time at the beach is far more health-savvy than laying on your couch all Saturday long. People who take a dive in the ocean over weekends, play volleyball or run around the beach with their children all weekend are far fitter than their friends who don’t bother.

Living near the beach might also inspire you to get back into the gym and work on your bikini body – there was never a better time to start working out and taking care of your health.


There are many ways in which coastal living can help you with stress levels. Not only will you be encouraged to drop your phone, laptop, and other devices and opt for a leisurely beach walk, but the sounds of the waves can be extremely soothing to the human mind and soul.

Spending more time in nature and more time away from technology and social media is a great way to manage the stress of daily life, and all of these factors together can give us better sleep and help us feel more connected with the world and those around us.

Fun Activities

Of course, living at the sea offers a bucket load more fun activities at your fingertips than what city dwellers have. As mentioned, you could play volleyball, learn how to surf or play with your kids and pets in the sand. A jog or walk on the shore, next to the waves, is also far more appealing than another hour spent on the treadmill, isn’t it?

The Food

If you love the sea, there’s a big change you love seafood too, and there’s nothing quite like fresh fish straight from the ocean. Your seafood options are just going to be a few levels up when you live right next to the ocean, so if you needed one final push to make this change, visit a local fish and chip shop in a coastal town and let the decision be made for you.