5 Unheard Ways To Succeed In A Networking Event

5 Unheard Ways To Succeed In A Networking Event

So, you arrive alone with your heart, skipping a beat when you enter a networking event. Suddenly, all your charisma seems to fly out of the window, and you try to lock eyes with someone in whom you see some welcome. But all you find is a sea of strangers who are happily engaged in a conversation.

These reactions are most natural to even extroverts who are looking to socialize with a digital business card and create a favorable impression at the event. However, here are some sure shot tips to help you shine at a networking event:

Be Yourself

Networking events serve as a starting point for the relationship-building process. So, if you are present without being yourself, it is likely that the relationship is being built on a lie. Be genuine and do not attempt to be someone that you think others would want to meet. Talk about your business in a non-sales pitch and casual way.

Always try to share ideas and not sell. People with whom you connect thus are authentic and are most likely to stay with you for a long time to come. Try building a rapport with the event organizer to know more about people attending the event. He/she can then point you in the right direction by introducing other attendees and get you off on the right foot.

Carry a Business Card

This one seems pretty basic, but they are crucial to building a strong people network. In fact, this job has been made easy today with the advent of a digital business card. It saves you from keeping stacks of paper-based cards, struggling with lost cards, and lends a professional impression. A great idea to exchange these cards is at a bar. Regardless of whether you are drinking or not, position yourself at the edge of a bar, and strike up a conversation with a drink in hand. Great conversations may call for seeking another person’s card as well. Take notes of their cards immediately or after they walk away for follow-up purposes.

Do your Homework

Do prior homework about people attending the event by scanning social media event pages or talking to the organizers for information on registered businesses or names. This way, you get a head start regarding companies that you feel drawn to. Armed with people’s data, you can even set up meetings before the event commences and kick off the connecting process early.

The event can then become a spot for the conversation you have already begun and lets you stay ahead of the competition. Researching the attendees will also help you prepare the right questions for effective discussion. This way, you’ll not seem too aggressive in approaching others and pay attention to people and their opinions. You will benefit from mutually engaging conversations that let you share the most about yourself or the business.

Let your Intentions be Right

The right intentions matter while you have decided to attend the networking event. Do not think of the event as an opportunity to get at something. Instead, focus on what you can share about yourself. Talk naturally or give out a digital business card to capture people’s attention.  You’ll find this tactic very useful that lets you act superior against instances when you are likely to sell.

An ill intention would be to enter the event only to land on a job or extensively sell your services/product. It creates unnecessary pressure and misses out on other golden opportunities you may have landed in the future. Remember to bring open and curious energy to the event that attracts people to you. This quality encourages free conversations with people not shying away from sharing information. The networking event flows with ease with you enjoying the time and demonstrating the best of yourself.

Be Curious

Networking is an opportunity for people to talk about themselves. As such, you can make the right impression by being curious about the other person. Having done your homework, ask thoughtful questions that demonstrate your listening skills and put the other person at ease. Remember, paying attention to others makes you interesting as well.

Having the right contacts is necessary for your professional development or business expansion. While networking events open doors to new opportunities, it is imperative to make the right impression at the right moment. Follow these tips and see your network grow big and beautiful.