5 Ways to Avoid Septic System Disasters

5 Ways to Avoid Septic System Disasters

Septic systems generally do not require too much maintenance. You barely need to employ it meticulously to avoid messy disorders. Most individuals tend to spend quite a bit on septic system repairs, unblocking the system, and maintenance due to careless use. This article aims at highlighting and discussing some tips that will keep your septic system safe.

Flush appropriate items

Statistics indicate that almost 40% of septic blockages are caused by flushing inappropriate substances. Persistent and large substances such as baby diapers and feminine products should be disposed in the trash. Once you release these substances, the sewage system will naturally become blocked. Sewage pipes are not large enough to facilitate the movement of such materials. The system has been built such that it can only accommodate human waste and toilet paper. It become necessary to use septic tank pump out in case sewage pipe gets blocked.

This equally applies to the kitchen sink. We tend to release large food residuals to the sewage system. This will absolutely lead to septic system disorders. Food substances contain fat which accumulate to the pipe elbows. Continued disposal of food waste will make your sink block and back up. To prevent this, ensure that you use a filter and dispose the food waste in the trash. This also applies to the bathroom. Habitually use a residual filter in outlet water places.

Amount of water released

Septic systems hold a limited amount of water. Therefore, do not release water that could be conserved regularly. This mainly applies to the flushing and draining water. This is the reason why quick showers are encouraged. Once the septic tank is full, you can expect a messy blockage. Moreover, you won’t have to spend money that you could have avoided.

Laundry chemicals can also have a negative impact on your sewage system. Continued injection of chemical water in the septic system can alter the balance between bacteria in your septic tank. Additionally, there are some chemicals that have been proven to damage your sewage system causing spillages.


A septic inspection is fundamental to your sewage system condition. It is generally done every one to three years. Regularly keep an eye on your liquid level to determine if your system needs pumping. It is a good idea to contact your sewage company so that they can disclose any other problems before they arise.

If you inspect your sewage regularly, it is difficult for you to experience septic ordeals. This is because problems have been identified and dealt with accordingly.


Regular Efficient Septic Tank Pumping adds strength to your septic system. When you go without pumping, you will realize that the frozen waste and the grease appear on top of the tank which can cause blockage of the sewage system. This can have a negative effect on the leach surrounding and also the nature of the pipes. Experts like fosa septica ecologica recommend you pump your septic system roughly every three years.

Inspect the leach field

The grass and soil surrounding your septic tank can give you a clear indication on the health of your septic tank. If the grass appears to be very green and healthy, and the soil seems to be mushy or spongy, at that time know that something isn’t right. Typically, sewage provides grass with nutrients making it healthier and greener. Additionally, you may detect some odor from the area indicating that the septic system is in a poor state.