6 Fashion Accessories to Upgrade Your Wardrobe

6 Fashion Accessories to Upgrade Your Wardrobe

While beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, how we look at ourselves is important for our self-esteem and overall well-being. While haircuts, skincare, and makeup are an integral part of your overall aesthetic, our fashion choices and what we wear daily go a long way in helping us look our best. You may know your favorite dress style or pair of jeans, but what about the fashion accessories that make all the difference in a wardrobe? If you’re looking to upgrade your appearance and likely get a confidence boost, keep reading for the fashion accessories that will instantly upgrade your wardrobe and boost your mood.

Coordinated Intimates 

If you’re like many people, you don’t give much thought to your underwear choice every day, but deciding to invest in your intimate drawer can make a world of difference. Coordinating your intimates and wearing matching underwear and bras gives you a boost of confidence and adds a sophisticated edge to your outfit, even if no one else will see it. While it may seem like a splurge, taking proper care of your intimates by using a mesh bag and laundering them according to care instructions can last you for years. This upgrade may only benefit you or your partner, but it’s worth making.

Bodysuit Lingerie 

While it’s true that body suits are in trend right now and look fabulous tucked into a pair of straight-leg denim or a skirt, bodysuit lingerie is an upgrade every woman can enjoy. Bodysuit lingerie can be worn under your clothing or as a top to give you a romantic or sexy look. They are attractive and move with your body, making them luxuriously comfortable, not to mention slimming, as they hold everything in place.


Growing up, you likely associated slips under dresses with your mother or grandmother, but investing in gorgeous slips can be a game changer if you’re an adult who wears dresses. While the finest slips are usually made of silk, you can find more affordable options in synthetic blends. Slips upgrade your wardrobe by letting your dress hang beautifully and not cling to your body awkwardly. If you’re just starting, nude color and black are all you need, but as you reap the benefits, you’ll likely build your slip collection.

Sticky Bras 

How often have you decided not to buy a dresser top because you couldn’t figure out which one of your bras would work with it, and you’re not comfortable going braless? The sticky bra is the answer! Sticky bras have the magical ability to stick on your chest and provide a small amount of support, but peel off easily at the end of the day or evening without leaving a residue. Another great part about sticky bras is they are easy to reuse multiple times and can even be washed with soap and maintain the adhesive.

Silk Scarves 

Not only are silk scarves a beautiful way to keep your neck warm or add a pop of color to an outfit, but they’re also excellent fashion accessories to have in a wardrobe emergency. Silk scarves can be worn on your head to protect your hair from winds, and they can even come in handy as a beach or summer bandeau top. Silk is the way to go because it feels luxurious and will last you much longer than synthetic blend scarves will. Treat yourself to a designer scarf in a color story that you love; it could become a fashion accessory you use for the rest of your life!

Statement Hair Clips 

While jewelry trends come and go, having a great hairstyle will always be in vogue. You may not want to stack on a ton of jewelry each day, and a great way to make a strong statement it’s through the hair clips and accessories you choose. A statement hair clip to some people might be covered in pearls, and to others, an oversized gold alligator clip is all they need. Your hair and how you accessorize it can make a big impact, so pay attention to the importance of hair accessories.

Our style is so individual, but the above fashion accessories can help everyone instantly upgrade their wardrobe. Start with one and slowly add the rest to your closet; you won’t regret it.