6 Health Benefits of Magnesium

6 Health Benefits of Magnesium

For many people, living as healthy of a lifestyle as possible is the foundation of who they are. From regular exercise to plenty of sleep and healthy diets, they curate routines and habits to stay in their best overall health. Sometimes, however, even when leading our best lives, we need to supplement some essential vitamins and minerals for overall wellness.

One supplement that everyone can benefit from is Magnesium. The body doesn’t produce Magnesium on its own, and along with Vitamin D, it’s one of the most common minerals in which Americans are deficient. Though there are foods rich in Magnesium, like whole grains and dark, leafy greens, many people still aren’t getting enough. What to use magnesium spray for ? The health benefits of supplementing with Magnesium are immense; keep reading to learn the ways Magnesium can boost your healthy lifestyle.

Less Stress

Let’s face it, as a society; we’re stressed out. Living through the events of the last few years and the current state of affairs can leave even the most mellow person feeling on edge. Add to that day-to-day responsibilities with work and families, which sometimes feels like too much. Magnesium has been shown to have a calming effect that benefits anyone. While it’s beneficial to take Magnesium daily, taking a Magnesium gummy when you’re feeling anxious can help take the edge off.

Heart Healthy

Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of Magnesium on cardiovascular health. Magnesium can benefit the heart as it is a key component of a healthy heart rhythm. Magnesium helps transport electrolytes to the body’s cells, which is key to signaling nerves and muscle contraction. Magnesium is also a factor in regulating blood pressure. As mentioned earlier, with most American adults being deficient in this critical mineral, it’s no wonder that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US. Even if you’re already living a heart-healthy lifestyle, supplementing with Magnesium can be a game-changer.

Migraine Prevention

If you’re a migraine sufferer, you know you’ll do anything to avoid another. While prescription medications are necessary for many migraine sufferers, if you deal with occasional migraines, supplementing could help. Several studies have suggested that Magnesium prevents migraines and can treat them. So, next time you feel one coming on, take your Magnesium. Using a powdered magnesium supplement is best for faster absorption and quicker relief. One study showed that 1 mg of Magnesium provided quicker and better relief than a common medication.

May Help Depression

It’s estimated that 8% of Americans battle depression. Thankfully, as a society, we’re more open to discussing mental health issues than in the past, but that doesn’t mean we’ve necessarily gotten better at treating them. While prescription medications are necessary for many depressed people, others find the cure in the cupboard. On top of regular physical exercise and sleep, Magnesium and Vitamin B-12 have been shown to help with depression symptoms. If you’re struggling significantly, you should always seek help. Depression matters; if you are in crisis, text HOME to 741-741, the Crisis Text Line.

Can Boost Exercise Performance

Exercise is likely a cornerstone of your efforts when you’re focusing on a healthy lifestyle. Magnesium can help you get the most out of your workouts too. Magnesium can improve your jumping and flexibility, not to mention aid in building muscle mass. This means no matter what exercise you enjoy, you can boost your gains with this simple supplement. Mix a Magnesium powder into your water bottle before you head to the gym, and enjoy!


Inflammation is the root of most chronic pain and health conditions. There are many pros to using health supplements, but opting for one that can help with various issues is a no-brainer. Inflammation is also the cause of aging issues, so supplementing with Magnesium makes sense, especially as you get older. Even if you’re already taking other prescription medications, Magnesium is generally safe to take with other products. Always consult your GP before adding Magnesium, but its main interaction is minimal with some antibiotics.

On top of the above benefits of Magnesium, it has been shown to promote regularity as well as Fiber and improve PMS symptoms and bone health. If you were on the fence about adding Magnesium to your supplement regimen, surely you aren’t anymore. Here’s to your health!