6 Mother’s Day Gifts For the Minimalist Mom

6 Mother’s Day Gifts For the Minimalist Mom

It seems like just yesterday that Marie Kondo burst onto the scene and had everyone eliminate everything from their home that didn’t serve them or bring them joy, but the truth is, people have been living minimalist lifestyles out of necessity or pleasure for centuries. The benefits of minimalism have been studied deeply and are well known – from better emotional well-being, more free time, and even better finances. If you’re the child of a minimalist mother, chances are, shopping for gifts for mom can be challenging, whether you’re a minimalist yourself or not. With Mother’s Day coming up, you want to show your mom how much she means to you, but getting a gift for the minimalist mom is complicated. Keep reading for some gift inspiration for Mother’s Day for your mom, who truly believes less is more.

Subscription Classes

Many minimalists prefer experience gifts over physical presents, so a subscription class fits the bill perfectly for a mother who wants to expand her knowledge. If your mom is focused on fitness, a subscription to personal training sessions would be perfect. Perhaps she wants to pick up painting? An art class subscription is something in which she would delight. Learning platforms like MasterClass memberships are another option where she can learn all sorts of things from experts and even celebrities.

Gold Hoops

Your minimalist mother may get dressed daily using a capsule wardrobe and own less than ten physical clothing items, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t appreciate a piece of fine jewelry for Mother’s Day. Gold hoops are one of the most iconic pieces of jewelry women have been sporting for centuries, so a dainty pair of solid gold hoops are the perfect gift. If your mother is inclined to appreciate a bit more bling, a pair of petite diamond studs is an alternative to gold hoops.

Chocolate and Other Consumables

Waste not, want not, right? Your mother doesn’t have to be a foodie to appreciate the gift of a luxury food item for Mother’s Day. Whether you gift her a box of her favorite chocolate with nuts or a tote full of wines she wants to try, consumables make minimalist presents. Even something as simple as a jar of local, wild honey that she can enjoy in her evening tea is a sweet gesture if you’re on a budget. Everyone loves food as presents, which is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but minimalists may appreciate consumables as gifts more than any other present.

Charitable Donations in Her Name

Moms are passionate about helping others; they’ve been guiding and helping you your entire life. If your mother is a philanthropist, environmentalist, or someone living a sustainable lifestyle, making a charitable donation in her name is a meaningful gift that she’ll appreciate, but more importantly, others will benefit. Whether the beneficiaries are rhinos in Africa or children in impoverished communities, this gift truly keeps giving.

A Houseplant

Even the most minimalist home likely contains at least one houseplant, with over 80% of American homes containing at least three houseplants. Not only do houseplants add a beautiful and natural pop of color to a home, but their health benefits are also tremendous. Houseplants are known to clean and purify harmful chemicals and toxins, so purifying the air leads to a healthier home. Additionally, live plants have been shown to strongly boost mental and emotional well-being. Many minimalists are focused on living intentionally and mindfully, so a new houseplant is the perfect Mother’s Day gift for a mom who finds those qualities important.

Cameo Messages

No matter how simple someone’s life is, chances are they dabble in television, music, or some form of entertainment and have a favorite musician or actor. Getting a personalized message for Mother’s Day from their favorite through a platform like Cameo is an experience your mom will never forget.

There are plenty of things minimalist mothers would appreciate as a Mother’s Day gift, from a fresh homemade batch of cookies, a sweet letter from you, a book of poetry, or a pampering massage. No matter what you give her, make sure it’s aligned with her values and something you know she’ll not only treasure but use. Happy Mother’s Day!