6 Reasons Why You Should Use Compression Socks

6 Reasons Why You Should Use Compression Socks

Are you looking to get your very own compression socks? Are you also thinking if it’s just hype or is it really effective?

Why Compression Socks Work?

The good news is, it does work.

The use of compression socks was invented by Conrad Jobst, who suffered from Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). CVI is a disease characterized by venous walls or valves not working sufficiently in our legs. CVI causes heavy blood flow to our legs. And the blood that piles up may cause swelling and severe discomfort.

One day, when he was standing in a pool with gradient water pressure, he felt relief and formulated a way to transfer that gradient pressure to his socks. Now, millions of people benefit from this invention.

Do you feel you need one? These are six reasons why you should use compression socks.

It Improves Blood Circulation

Compression socks improve blood circulation by compressing the foot and the calf muscles to straighten the venous walls. The gently graduated compress from the compression socks aligns the venous walls to work correctly, allowing blood to flow smoothly from the heart through our foot.

You Have an Active Lifestyle

If you are an athlete or are exercising quite a lot, compression socks are for you. It will not improve your performance, but it will help in the post-recovery from your exercise or marathon.

It reduces muscle pain, damage, and inflammation. There are even studies that prove it.

Also, find compression socks with moisture-wicking capabilities to avoid the smell.

Choose the one with advanced cushioning to protect your feet from your sudden strides from your sport.

Your Work Requires Standing Long Periods of Time in One Place

 Jobs that require you to stand long periods (such as nursing and retail selling jobs) in one place cause your lower limb muscle fatigue. And it may result in long-term back pain and musculoskeletal disorders.

The improved blood circulation from compression socks will help alleviate the fatigue you might feel.

 You Sit All Day at Work

Sitting for long hours at work is not beneficial for you. When you seat for long hours, our calves are subject to a lot of pressure. Our calves act as a blood pump to return the blood to our heart. If you sit all day, the blood accumulates more in our lower regions which may cause discomfort and fatigue.

That’s why compression socks would help the blood to flow back healthily.

You Travel Long Hours Seating

 Whether you are a jet setter or work as a pilot, traveling long hours sitting can cause the same effect with your blood circulation. Wearing compression socks stops you from getting the negative benefits of your work.

You Want to Prevent Varicose Veins

Varicose veins form when the veins that supposedly would transport back blood doesn’t work anymore. The clogged blood pushes the veins with more pressure causing it to swell.

If you don’t want varicose veins, compression socks are for you.

You are Pre-disposed to Diabetes

People with diabetes are prone to several complications like Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Deep Vein Thrombosis. That’s why compression socks are heaven sent to avoid these complications.

There you have it! Let’s celebrate a healthier lower limb with compression socks.