6 Travel Tips for Your Next Big Trip

6 Travel Tips for Your Next Big Trip

Now that travel restrictions have been relaxed, many people are eager to travel again. Next time you plan a trip, try these helpful tips:

Make Your Luggage Easy to Recognize

Having luggage that is easy for you to recognize will save you a lot of time and headaches in the baggage claim. If you’re looking for a new bag, choose a brightly colored suitcase. For existing luggage, consider using custom bag covers or adding custom keychains to the handles. Some people choose to keep it simple and attach brightly colored string or fabric to their bags.

Whatever you choose, having your bags easy to recognize will help you identify your belongings and prevent your bags from being confused for someone else’s.

Keep Track of Your Luggage

Airlines lose luggage all the time. Bags get forgotten on the loading cart, get put on the wrong plane, or get left behind after a connecting flight. The next time you fly, consider using a tracking device like an Apple Air Tag to keep track of your checked bags.

Simply charge the device, put it in your bag, and then you can monitor its location via an app on your phone. In the event your bag is lost, this can help you (and the airline) locate your missing belongings.

Bring Power Backups

It’s always a good idea to travel with an external backup battery or charger for your phone and other devices. These are especially great for long flights or car rides and are an absolute must-have for families traveling with children.

If you’re going to another country, buy a power converter in advance. Chances are your chargers and cords won’t be compatible with the local outlets. Make sure you get the appropriate converter for the country you’re going to – there are several types of outlets, and they can vary dramatically between countries.

Plan Your Route in Advance

Make sure to research the transit systems in the area you’ll be visiting and make plans for getting around. Plan the general routes you’ll need to take, and get an idea of how much to budget for tickets, taxis, or a rental car.

Sometimes public transit systems have official apps you can download that allows you to buy tickets in advance and often have several language settings if you don’t speak the local language.

Get Familiar With the Culture

Along with researching transit, it’s a good idea to read up on the local culture. This will help you set realistic expectations for your trip. For example, in some countries, meals in a restaurant are expected to last several hours. Getting familiar with the culture will promote trust and respect between you and locals.

Understand Customs Limitations

US Customs and Border Patrol sets limits on the amounts and types of items you can bring back into the country. It’s best to know these in advance so you don’t waste money on something you can’t bring back with you. Research in advance!

Final Thoughts

Travel doesn’t have to be stressful. With the right planning and preparation, any trip can be a breeze. Bon voyage!