7 Amazing Methods You Can Try To Prevent Hair Loss

7 Amazing Methods You Can Try To Prevent Hair Loss

Two-thirds of the male population is influenced by male pattern baldness, with about forty percent showing noticeable hair loss from the age of 35; however, there are certain things you can try to prevent the issue.

 Considering Prescription Drugs

Two medicines are clinically proven for hair loss prevention: minoxidil and finasteride. The hormone (DHT) dihydrotestosterone is responsible for causing hair follicles to deteriorate and fall out. Finasteride is prescribed for restraining DHT. Minoxidil enhances nutrient uptake and blood flow to hair follicles. Both treatments can assist with hair growth; however, both of them have a risk of potential side-effects. Finasteride may cause erectile dysfunction and declined libido, while minoxidil can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation.

 Using A Laser Comb

Aside from minoxidil and finasteride, another hair-loss treatment that is FDA approved is laser combs. Studies revealed that 103 men who suffered from hair loss had experienced a significant upsurge in hair density after twenty-six weeks of applying the laser comb across their scalps three times weekly. It is suggested that the lasers might provide an antioxidant influenc on the hair follicles.


Going For A Hair Transplant

If you already experienced substantial hair loss, your best option might be a Gro by DHI transplant. Prior to hair loss, we have approximately 100 000 hairs, of which 25 000 are needed to provide the appearance of a moderately complete head of hair. With a transplant, the process entails transferring of hair follicles from DHT-resistant donor areas at the sides and the back of your head and grafting them on bald areas on the scalp. Different kinds of hair transplant treatments exist, of which some are contemporary methods that include the utilization of stem cells, which stimulates hair growth in donor regions. This may result in repeated transplantations if necessary.

 Using Alternative Hair Products

Some hair styling products and gels on the market may worsen hair loss because they contain chemicals that remain on the scalp and subsequently get trapped in hair follicles. This results in the hair not growing all the way to the surface. Try not to use styling products excessively, or you can buy those that are natural and that don’t contain as many chemicals.

 Don’t Take Too Hot Showers

Showers that are too hot can impact the scalp negatively by stripping it from vital oils that have a protective function leading to inflammation and dryness.

 Giving Anti-DHT Shampoos A Try

Did you know that the leading cause of hair loss is DHT? There are anti-DHT shampoos available on the market that you can try to alleviate hair loss. Look for products that contain 1-2% Ketoconazole which is a drug that prohibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT, the same way that finasteride does. Because ketoconazole is limited to the scalp, it will not have any adverse sexual-related side-effects.

 Trying scalp massage

Some studies proposed that scalp massage has the probability of increasing hair density by enhancing blood circulation to the hair follicles and scalp, and also the activity of genes, which are known for promoting hair growth. Massaging also lowers stress, which is another factor that causes hair loss.