7 Reasons Why a Personal Injury Lawyer Might Reject Your Case

7 Reasons Why a Personal Injury Lawyer Might Reject Your Case

If you ever sustain an injury where another party is at fault, you may want to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against them. If you do, you might end up having an incredibly smooth case. You will hire your personal injury lawyer in Orange County, gather evidence, negotiate with the opposing insurance company, and come out with an excellent compensation package.

Unfortunately, things don’t always go so well. In fact, you may not even make it to the first step. Sometimes, personal injury lawyers reject your case, and you are left to try and fight alone. The following 7 reasons are the most common issues a lawyer might have.

Insignificant Injuries

There are two reasons why personal injury attorneys prefer not to work with insignificant injuries. The first is that there is a higher chance of losing the case. The second is that they often make money off of the sum of your settlement. If your injuries are not severe, that sum is going to be very low, and it could be cost prohibitive for your potential lawyer.

Unclear Liability

To obtain compensation from another party, you will need to prove that they were liable. This is done by assessing the conditions of your accident and deciding who was at fault. If your potential lawyer looks at the situation and cannot figure out who was at fault, it will be difficult to argue and win your case.

You are Liable

If you are the one that is at fault, there is a high chance that lawyers will reject your case. The reason for this is that when you consult a lawyer, they will give you an honest assessment of your chance of obtaining compensation. If you are the one that is liable, they will likely advise you to not pursue benefits. Alternatively, if you are being sued for personal injury, you may be able to find a lawyer to defend you at an hourly rate.

You’re Too Concerned About Money

A competent attorney will get you a great compensation deal, but they are sometimes wary of people who are too concerned with money. The reason is that people like this are hard to please. The lawyer might think that even if they get you a great deal, you might reject it and demand more. Additionally, those that are too focused on compensation are more likely to embellish their injuries and act in other ways that threaten the case.

You Live Too Far Away

Though much of your communication can be done over email and phone calls, there will be many instances where a face to face meeting is best. If you are from out of town, these meetings will be a significant inconvenience, and your lawyer might decide to turn you down. Because of this, it is best to stay local and find a personal injury lawyer in Orange County. There are plenty of excellent legal professionals in this city, so there is no reason to travel to another area to hire one.

You Waited Too Long

If you wait past the statute of limitations for your personal injury claim, there is very little chance you will obtain compensation. California law gives you two years to bring your case forward, and if you miss it, you are unlikely to find a lawyer to assist you.

You Admit That Other Lawyers Have Rejected Your Case

If you come into your free consultation and admit that many other lawyers have turned you down, the attorney you are meeting with may not like that. Some legal professionals pride themselves in taking cases that others won’t, but the majority will trust the judgment of those other lawyers and be wary.

Experiencing an injury is frustrating enough on its own. Unfortunately, it might get even worse when personal injury lawyers in Orange County start to turn you down. The best way to avoid this is by understanding the most common reasons why attorneys reject cases. Once you do, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.