9 Tips for Being the Perfect Dinner Party Guest

9 Tips for Being the Perfect Dinner Party Guest

Whether it’s a formal dinner or more of a casual get-together, dinner parties are hard work to host, which is why the best thing you can do to thank your friend for their hospitality is be the perfect guest. Read on for a simple etiquette guide that will ensure you always get invited back.

  1. RSVP

 Reply to your invite in a timely manner, preferably within a few days of receiving it. There’s nothing more frustrating for a host than someone who doesn’t reply to an invite or cancels at the last minute. Make sure you’re committed to attending if you accept the invite and give the host plenty of notice so they can get started on their party planning.

  1.  Don’t be late

 Or don’t be too late, anyway. The perfect guest arrives within 15 minutes of the specified time and is never early, as the last thing your host wants is a knock at the door while they’re still sorting out those last-minute details. Giving it 10-15 minutes is always best. 

  1. Look the part

 Even if there’s no dress code, it’s still nice to make a bit of an effort. For a laid-back evening this might mean a shirt or blouse with jeans, whilst a formal sit-down meal may require a suit jacket or cocktail dress. Arriving in a nice outfit shows the host that you appreciate the effort they’ve put in and that their dinner party is something you’ve been looking forward to. 

  1. Take a thoughtful gift

 You must always take a gift to a dinner party as a token of your appreciation. The perfect guest will ask in advance whether they can bring anything specific such as a dessert, but typically they’ll be met with “just yourselves”. This is actually code for “a bottle of wine, please” so make sure you arrive with a nice one.

We’d recommend something naturally sparkling such as the Tour Des Gendres Pet Nat from Bergerac, as it’s something fun and easy to drink but a little more interesting than prosecco. A bottle of fizz always goes down a treat at a dinner party and whilst flowers are a nice gesture, your host probably doesn’t have time to arrange them and would rather avoid the extra work. 

  1. If you’re pitching in, do it right

 If it’s a dinner party where all the guests are pitching in, you may be asked to bring a starter or dessert with you. Don’t worry about cooking something fancy or spending a lot of money; just make sure it’s something you think most people will like and that you bring enough for everyone. Try not to turn up with a starter that takes an hour or more to cook, as this could wreak havoc on your host’s carefully planned night.

  1. Show your appreciation

 A bit of appreciation goes a long way when your host has spent most of their day in the kitchen and making everything look perfect. A good guest will always complement the food, and if it’s not actually that great, they’ll lie. 

  1. Offer to help

 You’re at your friend’s house, not a restaurant, so don’t be afraid to lend a hand. If the host is juggling a lot of tasks at once, perhaps you could offer to refill everyone’s wine glasses, clear the table or make the coffees. 

  1. Don’t outstay your welcome

 As the evening progresses, keep an eye on your host and look out for cues that it’s time to leave. If they’re yawning, glancing at their watch, tidying the kitchen or taking a nap on the sofa, it’s time to go. 

  1. Thank your host

 You should thank your host for their hospitality when you arrive, as you leave and again the following day. Yes, you did already thank them with that nice bottle of Tour Des Gendres Pet Nat, which they loved, but a text the next morning certainly wouldn’t go amiss.