Artist Guide: 7 Smart Tips to Overcome a Creative Block

Artist Guide: 7 Smart Tips to Overcome a Creative Block

Every person has experienced “blank page syndrome,” where you have your document open and are ready to jot down all of your brilliant ideas, but nothing comes to mind. Whether you’re a writer, an artist, or trying to come up with a unique solution, a creative block can appear overwhelming. Creative exhaustion is a real issue, and it happens to everyone. It might leave you staring at an empty page, canvas, or screen. Feeling exhausted and uninspired is common. 

You could believe that if you work harder, you can get through it, but that isn’t always the case. Thinking of creative things to draw, write, or make can be challenging. Sometimes a simple kick in the butt isn’t enough. Sometimes the creative block has grown too great, too complicated, and too disheartening to overcome with determination alone. Below are seven tips that can help you overcome your creative block.

1. Touch Some Grass

Many individuals are glued to their computers all day long. However, there are situations when touching some grass outside can suffice. Take a break from working at your desk and go for a stroll while carrying your sketchbook. You might be startled by the thoughts that begin to come to you when you use a pen and paper instead of a blazing computer screen. Visit your neighborhood’s coffee shop, park, or museum of art. 

Instead of repeating the same thoughts in your head, getting out of the house and into a different environment can work wonders for rewiring your mindset and introducing new, fresh ideas into your head. Provide your brain with new stimuli.

Drawing with an actual pen (or pencil, or even paint) on natural paper will force you to reassess your viewpoint and give you a fresh perspective on whatever project you’re working on. Clearing your thoughts and reviving your body will be made more accessible by moving around, getting your blood flowing, and breathing in the fresh air.

2. Be Aware Of Your Body

Be aware of your body. Permit yourself to give up your struggle if you feel tense under pressure. Take a breath, eat a snack, decide to nap, or choose another activity. Take care of yourself. Sometimes all it takes to refuel and spark a breakthrough is taking care of yourself. Now and again, people in all professions should exercise a little self-care, and especially for creatives, it’s crucial to remember your body’s requirements to get in the correct frame of mind. It’s not difficult to be drawn into a project and neglect to eat or sleep; nevertheless, this will always catch up with you. Your performance will suffer if you are physically exhausted and hungry. Therefore, be careful to include self-care in your daily schedule.

3. Pick a Goal to Focus On

Choose one specific, attainable result to concentrate on. A single screen design or an entire user flow could be used as examples, and one goal to focus on could be the introduction paragraph or the whole chapter. Here, you should aim for depth rather than width and be cautious not to take on more than you can handle. Your concept will become more manageable if you focus on it. 

You may also try adopting a time limit to focus your activity. No matter what, commit simply five minutes of creative time. You’ll decide after five minutes whether you want to continue or give up, and either result is beneficial. Editing and enhancing an already completed work is significantly simpler than starting from scratch. After five minutes, the challenging phase has already been completed.

4. Modify Your Environment

Your surroundings have a significant impact on your creativity. Your creativity will be highly affected by your environment, which should be well-organized, dark, and open. Try to maintain order and organization. Decorate your room with inspiring items, such as dream catchers and posters of your favorite people. A desk or area next to or near a window will be an excellent place for you to sit if there is enough light.

Additionally, you can always get lovely lamps. Rearranging the entire room or repainting the area are further possible modifications. Save this significant alteration for a severe creativity crisis because you can’t do it every time you get a creative block.

5. Avoid Overthinking

You are thinking way too much, which is another significant factor contributing to your creative block. You will experience a creativity block if you don’t follow a set process. The more you struggle, the worse it will turn out. Therefore, it is essential to pause, take a breath, and relax. It is all you need at times. Too much work and the mental strain of deadlines can stifle creativity. Spend some time looking after yourself, schedule self-care days, keep reading for ideas, and try to find ways to improve your mood.

6. Remember Your Past Work

Making a note of your accomplishments and realizing how far you’ve come will help you feel proud of all your hard work. Sometimes people are so preoccupied with the daily grind that they lose sight of the advancements they’ve achieved. It’s your responsibility to revive the inspiration that a creative block has extinguished. Every few days, you should make it a point to review your earlier work to demonstrate to yourself how much you’ve progressed.

7. Avoid Being Isolated

Most designers and artists benefit from working independently and spending time alone. In actuality, instability and interruptions make producing and working on projects extremely tough. You require a private and quiet location. However, if you are lost and need assistance, this peaceful location may make you feel isolated and lonely. Get together with your friends for a coffee date, an art date, or something else.

Concluding Thoughts

Keep in mind that creative blocks are normal. It’s common to be frustrated with your job, unable to create, or stuck. It’s something that everyone goes through, and it’s a normal part of the creative process. Remember that being blocked is not the end of the world. You are still a great artist and will not constantly face creative obstacles.