Best Supplements for Anxiety

Best Supplements for Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions that affect people around the world. While it is advisable for patients to seek help from professional counselling and prescribed medications, supplements can speed up the recovery process and deal with anxiety issues in a more effective manner.

Anxiety disorders may slow down a patient’s recovery from alcohol/drug addiction, and make it difficult to perform routine activities in life. Hence, the Asana way of recovery is recommended for those struggling with anxiety disorders during detoxification, where supplements along with medications and therapies can make recovery easier and quicker. Asana Recovery recommends natural and herbal supplements that can complement medications for drug or alcohol detox, and help addicts recover with as little pain and discomfort as possible.

Multivitamins (A, B, C, and D)

Vitamins are essential for the regular and normal functioning of the body. During detoxification, it is common for patients to suffer from vitamin deficiencies, and supplying your body with necessary vitamins not only helps build a healthy nervous system but also reduces symptoms of stress and anxiety disorders.


L-theanine is an amino acid known for reducing stress, anxiety, and improves focus to help patients relax and recover better. The amino acid is mostly found in black and green (herbal) teas, and it advised for drug and alcohol addicts for its positive effects on mood upliftment as an anti-anxiety agent.

Valerian Root

According to scientific studies, valerian root positively impacts anxiety and mood levels. However, the effects of this root are short-term and no long-term implications have been found to reduce anxiety in patients. Valerian root is one of the most helpful short-term remedies to improve sleeping habits, reduce stress, and release specific neurotransmitters that relax the body and mind.


Gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA is a well-known supplement to treat anxiety disorders. Known to produce serotonin that uplifts the mind and body, GABA also reacts to the nervous system when taken with essential vitamins to release stress. GABA is available in the form of supplements (capsules) that can be directly consumed.


Known for its calming and relaxing effects, chamomile is consumed by people even today, mostly in the form of tea. Chamomile is a flower known for its anti-depressant properties, and the consumption of chamomile as a supplement with other medications for treating anxiety has been found to be helpful in aiding sleep patterns and to relax the mind.


Lavender flower is popular for its anti-anxiety effects when consumed in tea or inhaled as lavender oil. Additionally, lavender is also an effective agent to reduce depression in addicts, and also has sedative properties required to help patients focus, relax and rejuvenate. Lavender can be combined with coconut and olive tool and inhaled using an oil diffuser, or can be directly consumed as supplements (capsules) as per the prescribed dosage.


Passionflower comes from the famous passion fruit, known for its health benefits and abilities to treat anxiety and depression in adults. Passionflower is one of the most effective and anxiety remedies for body and mind relaxation,

Supplements like the above cannot be replaced for regular prescribed medications or food. Before deciding on necessary supplements, it is advisable to consult your doctor and be aware of their side-effects prior to consumption.