Brilliant Tips to Teach Math in Class

Brilliant Tips to Teach Math in Class

Math is one of the subjects in school that has a notorious reputation among students. From kindergarten to college, most students frown just thinking about their next math lessons. Most of them believe that learning new math concepts can get extremely difficult.

But teachers must look for ways to encourage students to develop an interest in the subject at least. It will help students understand the lessons better and appreciate their math lessons.

So whether you’re a teacher at a school or an online math tutor, here are several fun ideas to help you change your students’ perception of the highly dreaded academic subject.

Make Each Class Meaningful

Math classes are dreadful for some students who really struggle with the subject. Most of the time, math teachers have no idea why they need to teach specific math topics. Because of this, the students also do not know why they need to learn those math lessons either. To fix this dilemma, you need to look for practical applications for every topic that you will discuss in class.

Students will become more interested in listening if they know where they can apply their knowledge in math.

Begin The Class By Showing Concrete Examples

For centuries, mathematicians ponder upon different problems then come up with ways to solve those problems using practical methods. Then they can establish the process by showing their solution with the help of algebraic formulas. If your students are not aware of the meaning of the original problem, how can you expect them to grasp the abstractions of the problems?

So you need to begin each lesson with concrete examples of the practical problems before solving it using a formula. It will allow them to understand how the math theory can solve the problem.

Encourage Your Students To Move, Think, And Collaborate

If you plan to give your students a test, you can prepare them by spending one day to review your previous lessons. It will help them that you tackled in the past using a fun game. An example of a good game for review is the Unlock the Box Mysteries. It works by providing clues that they have to solve using the math concepts that you already tackled.

Each correct answer will allow them to earn another clue until they reach the final clue indicating the 4-digit number to open the mystery box filled with prizes. This game will not only review them on their previous lessons, but it will also require them to move, use their analytic skills, and learn the value of teamwork as well.

Prepare Them to Have a Growth Mindset

When your students show signs of discouragement every time you introduce a new difficult lesson, you need to help them realize that they can understand the lessons and get better at it in the long run. Most students believe that they are really bad at the subject. But if you can encourage them to develop a positive attitude in class, they will find a renewed interest in learning the subject. You may also teach them the “power of yet.” It means that they may not understand the new concept yet, but they will eventually succeed if they continue trying.

These are just several suggestions to make these lessons fun for your students. It will also allow you to learn how to teach your students new tricks without forcing them to listen. If you teach at a school or you’re an online math tutor, by incorporating these in your lesson plan, you can get the guarantee that the students will finally learn what you teach in class.