Buying Essays: How It Works and the Benefits You Get Online

Buying Essays: How It Works and the Benefits You Get Online

The era of the internet gave a push too many new online businesses, and custom writing companies grew fast. These enterprises usually hire in-house and freelance writers worldwide to supply busy students with all sorts of academic papers.

Their notoriety spread fast as well. Custom writing services undermined the academic integrity of educational establishments all over the US and abroad. Essay mills were claimed as fraudulent, and students were strictly discouraged from using these services. However, many essays writing businesses proved useful. For different reasons, students choose to buy their papers, from a one-page essay to a complex Ph.D. dissertation.

In this article, we will review some specifics of essay writing companies and discover why they are still popular after many years of existence. Obviously, student-friendly businesses have much to offer their customers.

Ghostwriting: the instrument of cheating or a new need of a 21st-century student?

Before the beginning of the new millennium, few people thought of having a writer complete academic papers for them. Cheating practices came down to copying another student’s work or downloading materials already available on the internet. The change happened quite fast. Till 2010, a lot of custom writing services appeared on the web. These companies offered students safe and original papers no one could suspect of plagiarism. By then, copyright violations had become a mass problem, and downloading second-hand papers was no longer an option.

A good thing or not, custom writing services perfectly adapted to the academic world in the early 2000s. Companies offered papers in plenty of formats and disciplines. Their essays were accepted in all kinds of academic institutions, and busy students have got high grades. As for teachers, a few of them could discover that students did not write the paper they submitted. Detecting plagiarism is easy when someone has copied their work from Google search. Reading the original paper completed by a ghostwriter, teachers can only suspect a “crime.”

Not only did plagiarism-detection methods became more advanced in the last 20 years. Ever-extending curricula played a major role in the growth of custom writing services. A great number of American students find it hard to cope with deadlines and write essays. Many of them are foreign students and do not know English well enough to get a good grade for their own papers. New academic demands made it hard to learn. It was only natural that students resorted to the services of freelance writers. With every year, more high school, college, and university students choose to buy papers instead of writing them themselves.

Benefits of custom writing that make students buy papers

It is quite clear that students do not care about the academic integrity of their school much. That is more the task of teachers. Instead, students worry about their own comfort and success. That is precisely what they get when they buy a paper from a reliable company. Who will bother spending all night researching when qualified writers get paid for completing a paper to the best of customer’s expectations?

The ability to delegate one’s homework to someone else is already a great benefit of custom writing. But certainly, there is more to it. Paying a company to do one’s homework, students get their papers on time. Writing businesses take care of customers’ satisfaction, and no one is interested in violating deadlines. The next benefit is quality. Most companies hire writers with good academic knowledge in general and with a more profound understanding of certain subjects. Freelance writers often have a lot of experience in doing students’ homework. And of course, advanced knowledge of English is a must for such a writer. Foreign students can forget about any language troubles when buying their essays online.

Among the many advantages of custom writing services, we never forget about protection from plagiarism. Writing papers themselves, students usually do not check if their work is unique. If any coincidence happens, a conscientious student will be accused of plagiarism and bear responsibility for what he or she did not do. The story is different with custom writing services. Companies check all the orders they deliver for plagiarism with special software. Buying a paper from a trusted service, students get an absolutely original piece of writing.

How to choose a trustworthy essay writing company

There is a huge misconception that all custom writing companies are a scam. In fact, writing services are as much interested in happy and loyal customers as any other business. No scam company can hold its position for a decade or longer. Trying to find a good essay writing service, pay attention to the experience of the company in the market. A trustworthy company has at least several years of experience. Also look closely at the number of disciplines, writers, and safety guarantees. A reliable custom writing service will provide you with a money-back guarantee and the ability to communicate with your writer directly. Ask for samples of your writer’s works, and get the most complicated papers written for you by professionals.